Vol 1, No 1, 28 June 1999 |
Welcome to the first issue of, Central Europe Review, a new journal about Central European politics, society and culture. Central Europe Review will bring you more than just news: we will analyse the events of today and forecast future trends in the region.
The journal is starting with a group of over 20 regular contributors in over a dozen countries around the world, and we are all dedicated to developing Central Europe Review into the premier thought-provoking journal on the region. To achieve this goal, we will be working in close partnership with Transitions Online, already one of the best sites dealing with the post-Communist world and due to be relaunched on 19 July.
We are very interested in readers' comments and suggestions, so, have a look through this first issue, and let us know what you think.
Andrew Stroehlein, Editor-in-Chief
Central Europe Review: Re-Viewing Central Europe
The countries of the region are caught between the problems of the post-modern West they are joining and the post-Communist East they seem to be leaving.
By Sean Hanley, Kazi Stastna and Andrew Stroehlein
C O N F E T T I:
Lateral Thinking on the Meaning of Central Europe Today
What is Mitteleuropa actually in the Mittel of?
By Vaclav Pinkava
C S A R D A S:
An End to Violence?
The Hungarian government has prudently resisted the temptation to solicit recompense for the country's recent compliance with NATO requests.
By Gusztav Kosztolanyi
Serb Proposals for Partitioning Kosova
Western leaders are currently promising that NATO will not allow the partition of Kosova. The three plans for partition introduced here have all been circulating for years now, but they all contain the same flaws.
By Nexhmedin Spahiu
T H E A M B E R C O A S T:
The Emergence of Tartu in Estonia
The Estonian world is becoming less and less focused on the capital, Tallinn.
By Mel Huang
M I O R I T A:
A 'New Marshall Plan' for Europe
The end of the war in Yugoslavia has opened the door to the promised Balkan Stability Pact, supposedly a 'new Marshall Plan'. But is a fifty-two-year-old idea really the best solution for the Balkans today?
By Catherine Lovatt
Ten Years after Communism: The great Czech malaise
The Czech Republic is socially, economically and politically rudderless. Czechs are unsure whether to embrace Europe or retreat into their home-grown idyll.
By Jan Culik
The Prospects for Schuster's Slovakia
Although the new President's powers are largely ceremonial, the legitimacy derived from direct elections will most likely increase the power and prestige of the Rudolf Schuster's position.
By Michael J Kopanic, Jr, PhD
A B A L K A N E N C O U N T E R:
The Deadly Antlers of a Dilemma
NATO is about to get bogged down in Kosovo to such an extent, that it will split the Alliance. In fact, this is already happening.
By Dr Sam Vaknin
The New Face of the Capital Markets
Despite the seemingly contradictory information in the news of late, the new face of the post-crisis Russian capital markets is nevertheless becoming clearer as are the associated risks in participating in them.
By Dr Max Gutbrod
The News in Central Europe Last Week:
The Baltic States By Mel Huang
The Czech Republic By Kazi Stastna
Poland By Donosy-English
Romania By Catherine Lovatt
Slovakia By Frances Bathgate
B O O K S:
The CER Book Shop: Books about Central and Eastern Europe
Have a look at CER's list of books on the region - all available from Amazon.com. The list is divided into five subject headings: cinema, literature, politics, history and economics.

M U S I C:
The Forgotten Avant Garde:
Soviet Composers Crushed by Stalin
The integrity of Shostakovich and Prokofiev for the right to compose freely was repeatedly compromised by Stalin and the dogma of Socialist Realism. But they at least managed to emerge with international reputations and an admiring public. Not all Soviet composers fared so well.
By Andrew J Horton
M U S I C:
The CER Music Shop:
The on-line shopping supplment to CER's music articles.
O N D I S P L A Y :
Coming Up in the UK
Here are the details of selected Central and East European cultural events in the UK over the next few weeks.
By Andrew J Horton
K I N O E Y E :
From East to West and Beyond:
The Karlovy Vary Film Festival
This coming week sees the start one of the most prestigious events in the Central European cinema calendar: the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Kinoeye will, of course, be there, but to whet your appetite, here is an overview of what is being screened this year.
By Andrew J Horton
K I N O E Y E:
The Russian Soul Fights Back:
Peter Lutsik's Okraina
As a sneak preview to the upcoming 1999 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Kinoeye brings you a revised version of an article which appeared in this section some months ago: a look at a contemporary take on some early Russian classics.
By Andrew J Horton