Vol 1, No 14, 27 September 1999
T E N Y E A R S A F T E R:
Democracy's Disappointment
Central Europe may have not quite yet reached the economic level of the West European countries or North America; however, there is one common feature Central Europeans share with the so-called advanced countries in the West: a high level of scepticism toward and disillusionment with democracy in general and democratic institutions in particular.
Pavel Tychtl
T E N Y E A R S A F T E R:
Czech Intellectuals and
Czech intellectuals describe the decade of post-Communism by relying heavily on historical arguments, the "totalitarian mentality," Czech "political culture" and "national character." This is nothing new; Czech intellectuals and their Western academic friends have always seemed to do everything they could to avoid actually talking to real people and finding out what is going on in Czech society.
Andrew Stroehlein
S P E C I A L F E A T U R E:
The Czech Republic 1992 to 1999:
From unintentional political birth to
prolonged political crisis
Andrew Stroehlein
with Jan Culik, Steven Saxonberg and Kazi Stastna

Theme of the Week
Women and Feminism in Central and Eastern Europe
The Invisible Majority
Gusztav Kosztolanyi
Cosmopolitan may promote the notion of the empowered women in Hungary, but in reality marital violence and rape are still depressingly common. |
Women on the Web
CER Staff
A list of important Internet resources on feminism in Central and Eastern Europe. |
A Quiet Ascent
Dagmar Kotlandova Koenig
What is generally perceived as the failure of feminism in Czech society does not necessarily imply ignorance or idleness on the part of Czech women, who have achieved a high status and gained respect for their accomplishments. One such accomplishment is their upward journey through higher education over the last 100 years. |
PLUS: Special culture features on
women and feminism in the |
sections of CER.

CER's Regular Columns:
The Honorary Academic
Sam Vaknin
The cronyist attitudes prevalent in
universities in post-Communist Europe have an influence which is destructive beyond the realm of academia. |
A Time to Laugh
Vaclav Pinkava
One of the signs that the economy of Central Europe is not all it should be is the resurgence of pub humour. |
More Moribund Manouevering
Jan Culik
Yet another chapter in the convoluted history of TV Nova. |
Historical Regicide
Mel Huang
A new report suggests collusion between inter-war Estonian President Konstantin Pats and the Soviets. |
Tolerant Transylvania
Catherine Lovatt
Of particular concern in Romania after 1989 was the future of Transylvania, seen as a potential hotbed for violent ethnic conflict. But apart from ethnic clashes in Cluj and Tirgiu Mures in 1990, those fears have not proved justified.

This issue, we examine the weakness of feminism in Central European film.
A Fatalistic Feminism: Dorota Kedzierzawska's Nic
Andrew J Horton
Despite the rhetoric of Communism, gender equality has not been a feature of Central European life in the past. It has certainly not been
much of a feature of the region's film-making. The voice of women is largely absent from Central European cinema, and the female directors that there are present a view of life which is decidedly rooted in male
conceptions of gender and sexuality. |
Resources on Central and East European cinema.

Books and Literature
B O O K R E V I E W:
Women of Prague: Ethnic Diversity and
Social Change from the Eighteenth Century to the Present
By Wilma A Iggers
Judging from the title, the reader might expect a ponderous social study. Far from it: this is a book one can hardly put down and one that will be of interest to those who have no special knowledge of the Czech lands or of Central Europe.
Kathleen Hayes
S U P P L E M E N T:
The CER Book Shop:
Books about Central and Eastern Europe
Have a look at CER's list of books on the region - all available from Amazon.com. The list is divided into five subject headings: cinema, literature, politics, history and economics.

M u s i c
S U P P L E M E N T:
The CER Music Shop
In co-operation with Amazon.com, Central Europe Review offers you this on-line shopping supplement.

O n D i s p l a y
Coming Up in the UK
Details of selected Central and East European cultural events in the UK over the next few weeks.
Andrew J Horton
Poland's Week in Culture
Highlights of cultural events in Poland for the week starting 13 September 1999.
Wojtek Kosc