E U R O P E A N D T H E E N V I R O N M E N T:
A Green El Dorado?
The European Union is often perceived as a green El Dorado next to its "dirty" neighbours to the east. If nothing else, it seems membership in the EU will at least mean a cleaner and healthier environment on the other side of the former Iron Curtain. But will it?
Andreas Beckmann
C O R R U P T I O N I N H U N G A R Y:
Blind Justice
The rule of law may very well prevail in Hungary on paper, but in practice a quite different picture emerges - one of arbitrary arrest, incompetence and indifference. We are not confronted here with a few rotten apples spoiling the contents of the barrel but with a system which tolerates corruption, where bribery is an accepted oiling of the machinery and where an appropriate ethos of professional pride is entirely lacking.
Gusztav Kosztolanyi

A Step Backwards for Estonia?
Mel Huang
Experts have pointed out that Estonia would actually have to de-liberalize its economy to fit into the complex European Union. This raises the question: why is EU membership important for Estonia at all? |
Managing Macedonia's Future
Sam Vaknin
The nature of Macedonia's relationship with the EU will not change if the EU does not honour its promises and obligations. Macedonia is currently constrained to a very limited set of diplomatic and economic choices. |
Romania's Only Way Ahead
Catherine Lovatt
Romania is caught between pleasant-sounding political guarantees abroad and the reality of economic chaos at home. Fast-track entry into the EU may seem a distant dream, and even entry would bring serious difficulties. But it is really the only way forward. |
A Green El Dorado?
Andreas Beckmann
The European Union is often perceived as a green El Dorado next to its "dirty" neighbours to the east. If nothing else, it seems, membership in the EU will at least mean a cleaner and healthier environment on the other side of the former Iron Curtain. But will it? |
Arranged Marriage with Aborted Honeymoon?
Tomas Pecina
A look at why the Czech Republic is considered to be the weakest link in NATO and how the Czech press and the major political parties manipulated the public's opinion of NATO and its intervention in Kosovo. |
The Dark Clouds of NATO
Sam Vaknin
The Assessment of Environmental Impact of Military Activities During the Yugoslavia Conflict - Preliminary Findings makes disturbing reading. It is, in fact, forty pages of horror. |
Blind Justice
Gusztav Kosztolanyi
The rule of law may very well prevail on Hungary on paper, but in practice a quite different picture emerges - one of arbitrary arrest, incompetence and indifference. |
A Hot Summer in Riga
Mel Huang
As well as the temperature hitting 30C on most days, the summer has been extremely hot in Riga for other reasons, namely politics. |
Vaclav Pinkava
English books are bound with the writing on the spine such that you have to turn your head to the right to read along the bookshelf. Here, in Central Europe, it is contrariwise. Read into that what you will. |
Romania's Only Way Ahead
Catherine Lovatt
Fast-track entry into the EU may seem a distant dream, and even entry would bring serious difficulties. But it is really the only way forward. |