T H E S E R B O P P O S I T I O N:
A Shadow Serbia
A conference in Bratislava has brought together members of the international community and Serbia's political opposition, as well as the Serb private sector and grass-roots organisations to discuss the possibilities of forging peace and change in the devastated country.
Ladka Bauerova
T H E V I E W F R O M S E R B I A:
Twilight Zone or Dead Zone?
An alternative to Milosevic's autocracy exists at the very core of Serb society and always has; the situation is now lower than rock bottom, and people are afraid that they put their existence in jeopardy simply by doing nothing about it. Still, here in Serbia, nobody believes that reconstruction is possible without foreign assistance.
Slavko Zivanov
A C Z E C H S P Y S P E A K S:
Princess Diana, Al Fayed, the CIA and a Czech Spook
Is the former Czech master spy, Karl F Koecher, connected with the affair surrounding the false documents supposedly revealing a grand conspiracy in the death of Princess Diana? Breaking his long silence, Koecher tells his side of the story.
Jan Culik
N A T I O N S:
A Unique Minority
The Sorb people have survived 600 years of attempted assimilation and continue to thrive on the border of several cultures and countries within the heart of Central Europe.
Micah Jayne