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Vol 1, No 9, 23 August 1999 |
T R A N S I T I O N ' S L O S E R S:
White-haired Whiners?
A Czech newspaper article condemning a recent pension increase has set off a ripple of public debate on the elderly in the Czech Republic. Considered little more than washed-out old Commies by much of the younger generation, the elderly are widely ignored in Czech society. Their increasingly louder voice and growing numerical strength, however, means this is slowly changing.
Catherine Miller
P O S T - S O V I E T O R P H A N:
Central European Security Issues through the Belarusian Prism
There has been much recent debate about NATO's role in the fabric of the emerging European security architecture. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid to one of its newest border states: Belarus. The fact remains Belarusian foreign policy revolves around the East, while paying much less attention to the West.
Peter Szyszlo
T H E D E C A D E:
Ten Years Later
Nobody stormed the Bastille, no enthusiastic crowds cheered in the streets. Communist Poland departed ten years ago amid the hum of office fans, the clink of spoons stirring sugar into countless cups of coffee and the rustle of ballots falling into ballot boxes.
Slawomir Majman

Theme of the Week
Nuclear Power
in Central and
Eastern Europe
Lithuania's Nuclear Dilemma
Mel Huang
Lithuania now faces a difficult decision: give up its primary power source for a faster road to Brussels or remain self-sufficient and risk incurring further EU wrath. |
Forward to the Past
Andreas Beckmann
Western governments have become mired in Ukraine's plans for further nuclear power stations despite increasing domestic pressure against nuclear energy. |
Ghost Town: Chernobyl twelve years on
Andrew J Horton
Life in the 30km exclusion zone around Chernobyl still continues. CER interviews a film documentarist about his visit to the area to record the lives of ordinary people. |

CER's Regular Columns:
A Singer in a Minefield
Tomas Pecina
Under Communism, few Czechs would even think of demanding courageous moral and political stances from their hairdressers, bakers or surgeons, the case is completely different with singers, as well as actors, entertainers, writers, painters and sculptors. |
Ten Years After
Mel Huang
Ten years ago, on 23 August 1989, some one million Balts linked hands and created one of the longest human chains in history. That event help to change the course of history in the region. |
Ceausescu's Return
Catherine Lovatt
Ceausecscu's treasures go on sale to eclipse-watchers - to break Romania away from its totalitarian past. |
Czech Public TV: The yellow-bellies
Jan Culik
In this second article in this series on Czech media and civil society, we see how politics and cowardice triumphed over journalistic standards at the nation's public television station last year. |
Between Omerta and Vendetta
Sam Vaknin
The language of business in countries in transition is suffused with the criminal parlance of violence. |
Thick with Castles
Vaclav Pinkava
The Czech Republic probably has more castles per square metre than any other country in the world. Visit some of them to keep the elderly and infirm out of politics. |
Charming Rascal or Arch Villain?
Gusztav Kosztolanyi
The police, clad in bulletproof vests and armed with submachine guns, blockade the main roads leading out of the capital. The order has been given to open fire if the fugitive sought is armed. They are seeking Hungary's most wanted criminal, Attila Ambrus. And in pubs across the country, Hungarians raise their whisky glasses to him. |

This week's Kinoeye continues the survey of the 34th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival with a look at two very different films documenting bleak and disturbing worlds.
Ghost Town: Chernobyl twelve years on
Andrew J Horton
Life in the 30km exclusion zone around Chernobyl still continues. CER interviews film documentarist Nikolaus Geyrhalter about his visit to the area to record the lives of ordinary people. |
Dreaming a Bad Reality:
Rychle pohyby oci and the legacy of Jaromil Jires
Andrew J Horton
One of the most incomprehensible Czech films of the decade, Rychle pohyby oci's relatively high profile derives from a Czechoslovak surrealist classic of the country's darkest days.
This new sub-site aims to be the definitive index of Internet resources on Central and East European cinema.

Books and Literature
N E W G E N E R A T I O N:
Confronting Jewishness
Part 2 - Generating a Generation
Jewish identity for those in Central Europe who are grandchildren of the survivors of the Second World War has long been rumoured to be a largely unconscious affair, if not completely extinct. In post-war Central Europe, identity was torn between the twin temptations of assimilation and emigration. However, a group of young intellectuals from this "third generation" after the Holocaust are currently challenging this view. In this, the second of three parts, we will look at how these authors view their Jewishness and how they came to this consciousness.
Peter Krasztev
The CER Book Shop: Books about Central and Eastern Europe
Have a look at CER's list of books on the region - all available from Amazon.com. The list is divided into five subject headings: cinema, literature, politics, history and economics.

M u s i c
S U P P L E M E N T:
The CER Music Shop
In co-operation with Amazon.com, Central Europe Review offers you this on-line shopping supplement.

O n D i s p l a y
E V E N T S:
Coming Up in the UK
Details of selected Central and East European cultural events in the UK over the next few weeks.
Andrew J Horton

Last Week's News in Central Europe:
Germany RP Online
Hungary Paul Nemes
Poland Joanna Rohozinska and Donosy-English
Romania Catherine and David Lovatt

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