Thematic Index
Welcome to the Kinoeye Archive. This is a resource of all content-rich materials on the web relating to Central and East European cinema. Covered by this resource are both external sites and the archives for the regular Kinoeye column which appears in the web weekly Central Europe Review (CER).
Themes currently represented in the index include:
Themes and articles are continually added to the archive.
Links to further articles on Central and East European film will be added to this site as we unearth them. For more details of what this index covers now and what it will eventually cover, see the Archive homepage.
Animation World News
Animated Cartoons in Hungary
For the Love of Prague: [book review]
Influence of Religion on Early European Animation, The
Jan Svankmajer: Alchemist of the Surreal
[definitive website with info on all the films and numerous links]
Jan Svankmajer: The Prodigious Animator from Prague
My Small Animation World: Aleksandra Korejwo
Splendid Artists: Central and East European Women Animators
Walerian Borowczyk
Zagreb 96

Avant-Garde Film and Video
Readme: [journal of contemporary non-mainstream poetics in all media]
Avant-garde Film and Video in the Czech Republic
Avant-garde Film and Video in Croatia
Avant-garde Film and Video in Hungary
Avant-garde Film and Video in Poland
Avant-garde Film and Video in Slovakia
Avant-garde Film and Video in Slovenia
Cutting it Short: Yugoslav experimental films
Kurt Kren: Radical actioner
New Poland - New Video: Some reflections on Polish video art since 1989

Between Cultures, Between Documentary and Art: Ferenc Moldovanyi's Az ut
Birth and Rebirth: Larissa Sadilova's S dniom rozhdenia
Documenting Freedom (Part I): Judit Elek's Egy Szabad Ember - Fisch Erno Elete
Documenting Freedom (Part II): Janos Gulyas's Karpotlasra az jogosult… - 46 ev a Szovjetunioban
Documenting Freedom (Part III): Peter Forgacs's A dunai exodus
Face to Face with the Past (Part I): Mira Hamermesh's Loving the Dead
Face to Face with the Past (Part II): Alan Berliner's Nobody's Business
Hanak in London
Space Age Revolution, A: Andrei Ujica's Out of the Present
Three Ways to Tell the Truth: Cinematic representations of the 1917 revolution
Wandering Eyes (Part I): The 2nd Czech Festival of Documentary Film
Wandering Eyes (Part II): The 2nd Czech Festival of Documentary Film

As Camp as Christmas: Borivoj Zeman's Byl jednou jeden kral
Czech Fairy Tale on Tour, A: Oldrich Lipsky's Tri veterani
Further Fairy Tale Surfing: Net resources on Czech fairy tales in film
Once Upon a Time in the Czech Republic: No Happy Ending for the Czech pohadka?

Gay Issues
Eastern European Gay Films
Gay-themed Films in Russia
Czech Gay Film [apparently coming soon]
Cupid's Arrow Blunted by Bureaucracy?: Karoly Makk's Egymasra nezve
Going Down and Out in Prague and Prerov: Wiktor Grodecki's Mandragora
Slovakia Comes Out of the Closet: Vladimir Adasek's 100% Cista laska - vasen II.
Straight and Narrow Path, The: David Ondricek's Septej
Building a New Europe: William E Jones's The Fall of Communism as Seen in Gay Pornography

Hollywood and its Influence on Central Europe
Crushing Defeats (Part II): Hungary vs Hollywood

Jewish issues
Fiddling in the Face of Adversity: Joseph Green's Yidl mitn Fidl
Jackboots in the Boardroom: Reinhard Schwabenitzky's Hannah
Hiding From Good and Evil: Soren Kragh-Jacobsen's The Island on Bird Street
Rattling the Skeleton in Europe's Closet: Agnieszka Holland's Bittere Ernte
Face to Face with the Past (Part II): Mira Hamermesh's Loving the Dead
Face to Face with the Past (Part II): Alan Berliner's Nobody's Business
Fighting against Indifference: Mieczyslawa Wazacz's The Ultimate Sacrifice

Nationalism in film
Cream-cake Nationalism: Snjezena Tribuson's Tri muskarca Melite Zganjer
The Empire Strikes Back: The revival of nationalist epics in cinema

State of the Industry
Bulgaria: Unesco Cultural Policy Database
Canada's Cineplex Odeon Enters Hungarian Cinema War
Cinema in Transition: Recent Films from East and Central Europe
Cinema - Can it be Revived? [Azerbaijan]
Csardas and Cash: Why money won't help Hungarian cinema
National Reports [Downloadable stats for every European country]
Retooling for the Free Market Place An Industrial Survey of the Hungarian Film Industry since 1989
Polish Cinema after 1989: An industrial survey
Situation Report on Czech Film
State of Contemporary Russian Cinema, The

Transition and its Effects on Society
Hamlet in Wonderland: Miklos Jancso's Nekem lampast adott kezembe az Ur Pesten
Andrzej Wajda's Panna Nikt
Going Down and Out in Prague and Prerov: Wiktor Grodecki's Mandragora
Loving Outside the Boudaries (Part II): Marta Meszaros's A szerencse lanyai
Building a New Europe: William E Jones's The Fall of Communism as Seen in Gay Pornography

Violence and War
Hamlet in Wonderland: Miklos Jancso's Nekem lampast adott kezembe az Ur Pesten
Hungarian Homecoming, A: Ferenc Grunwalsky's Visszateres (Kicsi de nagyon eros 2)
Horrors of Heroism, The: Wladyslaw Pasikowski's Demony wojny wedlug Goi
Michal Haneke: A retrospective
Mindless Violence of the Anaesthetised, The: Gyorgy Szomjas's Gengszterfilm
Oppression and Boredom: Alexandr Rogozhkin's Blokpost
Vignettes of Violence: Yugoslav film at the Raindance festival
Who is to Blame?: How to make an audience grateful for family massacres

"Westerns" in Central Europe
For a Fist Full of Korunas: Vladimir Michalek's Je treba zabit Sekala
The Wild Central European West: Stefan Ruzowitsky's Die Siebtelbauern

Women in film
Fatalistic Feminism, A Dorota Kedzierzawska's Nic
Gentlemen prefer Passive and Pubescent Peculiar gender politics in Central European film
Hitchhiking: The Perils and the Romance (Part 1): Vera Chytilova's Pasti, pasti, pasticky
Slovakia Discovered (Part III): Juraj Jakubisko's Sedim na konari a je mi dobre

Compiled by Andrew James Horton
With the help of Rob Young, Paul Nemes and Maria Vidali