Vol 2, No 8, 28 February 2000
A U S T R I A:
The Other Austria
Magali Perrault
On Saturday 19 February, an estimated 200,000 Austrians took to the streets of Vienna to demonstrate against the coalition between the People's Party and Jörg Haider's Freedom Party.
S L O V A K I A:
Case Closed
Michael J Kopanic Jr
Eight years after the crash that killed the much-loved architect of Prague Spring reforms, Alexander Dubček, Slovak investigators finally dispel speculations of murder and conspiracy and declare the death an accident.
E N V I R O N M E N T:
Cashing in on Climate Change
Paul Csagoly
Reducing greenhouse emissions could be an economic and environmental boon for CEE countries.

Essay of the Month:
Hungarian Identity, Globalisation and EU Accession
Gusztáv Kosztolányi
CER begins a new series of regular essays with this in-depth look at how Hungarians view themselves, how they view the world and how these views are changing as EU entry approaches.

This week, in the first of a series of articles, Kinoeye takes a look at the Neue deutsche Filme section of this year's Berlin International Film Festival.
B E R L I N A L E:
Broken by the Streets Maren-Kea Freese's Zoe
Elke de Wit
Zoe, a film about homelessness, was one of only three films in the Neue deutsche Filme section to be directed by a woman. Nevertheless, these low numbers were compensated for by the high quality of Zoe, which has already won Freese awards.
Resources on Central and East European cinema.
Newly Revised and Updated! With New Country Sections This Week!

CER's Regular Columnists: |
The PCM Trail
Sam Vaknin
Central and East European women are frequently driven by the "PCM" trinity - passports, cars, money - in their quest to escape the degradation they live in. The sad result is that they lose all identity. |
Convention Chaos
Catherine Lovatt
Last week's Democratic Party Convention in Romania gave overwhelming support to Foreign Minister Petre Roman's party manifesto, but also resulted in the resignation of six leading PD members and parliamentary chaos. |
Under the Influence
Jan Čulík
Is the Czech media irrevocably falling under the influence of vested interests and PR agencies? |

Books and Literature
S U P P L E M E N T:
The CER Book Shop:
Books about Central and Eastern Europe
Have a look at CER's list of books on the region - all available from Amazon.com. The updated list is spread across several pages and contains many new offerings.
CER book offer:
After the·Rain: How the West Lost the East
By Sam Vaknin
Book Reviews published in Central Europe Review

O n D i s p l a y
E X H I B I T I O N:
Signs of the Times
Andrew James Horton
Politics and art have long been wont to mix in Central Europe and no more so than in posters. Two extensive exhibitions, one in London and one in Manchester, and a new book document the many ways the two have come together.
Coming up in the UK
Andrew James Horton
Details of selected Central and East European cultural events in the UK over the next few weeks. |
Coming up in the USA
Karen M Laun
Central and East European events in the United States in the coming weeks. |

M u s i c
S U P P L E M E N T:
The CER Music Shop
In co-operation with Amazon.com, Central Europe Review offers you this on-line shopping supplement.

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