Vol 2, No 9, 6 March 2000
S O U T H E A S T E R N E U R O P E:
The Triple Burden
Židas Daskalovski
Most of the thinking on last year's Kosovo crisis has been one-dimensional and partisan, but all three sides in the conflict, NATO, Serbia and the KLA, should stand equally condemned.
T I S Z A R I V E R:
Central Europe Is Europe Too!
Gusztáv Kosztolányi with Paul Nemes
In the third part of a series of articles on the Tisza River disaster and its aftermath, Hungarian protestors descend on Brussels to bring their complaints to the attention of the European Parliament. CER talked with the protestors before and after the demonstration.
E U R O P E A N U N I O N:
Who to Hate: Haider or History?
Blake Lambert
If the EU truly wants to confront issues of Nazism, it should pay less attention to Austria and more to its relations with Latvia and Lithuania, neither of which has demonstrated any more ability to deal with its Nazi past than Austria has.

Essay of the Month:
Hungarian Identity, Globalisation and EU Accession
Gusztáv Kosztolányi
CER begins a new series of regular essays with this in-depth look at how Hungarians view themselves, how they view the world and how these views are changing as EU entry approaches.

Kinoeye continues its look at the Neue deutsche Filme section of this year's Berlin International Film Festival.
B E R L I N A L E:
The Sunnier Side of East Germany Leander Haußmann's Sonnenallee
Elke de Wit
Named after a street dividing East and West Berlin, Sonnenallee aims to show, without resorting to sentimentality or nostalgia, how the magic of youth existed even in the GDR.
Resources on Central and East European cinema.
More Archive Updates This Week!

CER's Regular Columnists: |
The Temptations of Cash
Sam Vaknin
Strange, penumbral characters roam the boardrooms of banks in the countries in transition. These Faustian characters fall into various categories. |
The Dirtiest Election
Catherine Lovatt
Election campaigns are normally messy, but Romania appears to be taking this to the extreme as allegations over assassination plots and the involvement of the Securitate fly. |
Mel Huang and Jan Čulík are away this week

Revolt or Reverie?
 This week, we re-examine the "Thank You, Now Leave" initiative three months after it managed to muster the largest mobilisation of the Czech public since 1989.
I N T E R V I E W:
Martin Mejstřík
Kazi Stastna
One of the student leaders of the 1989 revolution speaks about the recent mass civic protest he helped launch and the need for a more "decent" politics.
C Z E C H R E P U B L I C:
Vivat Academia
On pre-November students in a disrespectful tone
Jiří Peňas
At the time of the tenth anniversary of the fall of Communism, the Czech weekly Respekt ran an article which debunked some of the popular myths of Czechoslovakia's "student revolution." This is its English translation.
R E V I E W:
Sto studentských revolucí [A Hundred Student Revolutions]
Pavel Tychtl
Is this series of interviews with students involved in the November 1989 revolution an example of authentic testimony or dubious self-glorification?
From the Archive: "Czech Protest" in CER 24

M u s i c
C O N T E M P O R A R Y C O M P O S E R S:
What Vastness of Suffering? Interpreting Lutosławski's First Symphony
Nicholas Reyland
Lutosławski both vehemently rejected suggestions that his music was an expression of the traumatic circumstances of his life and was curiously tolerent to those who suggested this might be so. How should we read his music?
The CER Music Shop
In co-operation with Amazon.com, Central Europe Review offers you this on-line shopping supplement.

Books and Literature
S U P P L E M E N T:
The CER Book Shop:
Books about Central and Eastern Europe
Have a look at CER's list of books on the region - all available from Amazon.com. The updated list is spread across several pages and contains many new offerings.
CER book offer:
After the·Rain: How the West Lost the East
By Sam Vaknin
Book Reviews published in Central Europe Review

O n D i s p l a y
Coming up in the UK
Andrew James Horton
Details of selected Central and East European cultural events in the UK over the next few weeks. |
Coming up in the USA
Karen M Laun
Central and East European events in the United States in the coming weeks. |
Poland Cultural Review
Wojtek Kość
A look at the latest cultural events and culture news in Poland. |

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