Vol 2, No 10, 13 March 2000
C R O A T I A:
The Art of Playing Football
Saša Cvijetić
The link between football and Croatian politics is not entirely metaphorical, as is shown by the events of the past few days in the Zagreb City Assembly.
U K R A I N E:
Making Parliament Work
Sarah Whitmore
The beginning of the year saw Ukrainian parliamentary politics turn into a theatre of the absurd as referendum plans precipitated a crisis of unprecedented scale.
P O L A N D:
A Smooth Sweep
Wojtek Kość
In November 1995, Aleksander Kwaśniewski narrowly defeated Lech Wałęsa in the second round of Poland's presidential elections. This November, the situation is quite different, and Kwasniewski, far ahead of the competition, looks sure to slide in to a second term.
B U L G A R I A:
Bulgaria's Secret
Židas Daskalovski
the Bulgarian Constitutional Court ruled by a vote of nine to three to outlaw the ethnic Macedonian party OMO-Ilinden-PIRIN - a decision that may violate a number of basic human rights principles.
C E N T R A L E U R O P E:
"Transitology": Global Dreams and Post-Communist Realities
Rudolf L. Tőkés
It is a matter of record that virtually all leading transitologists discovered Eastern Europe shortly after CNN's sixty-second-crisis-analyst reporters landed there. The time has come to rethink and reconceptualize a new kind of understanding of the daunting complexities of post-Communist transitions.

Essay of the Month:
On the Inside Looking Out:
Austria's New ÖVP-FPV Government, Jörg Haider, and Europe
Lonnie Johnson
March's Essay of the Month is a revised and expanded version of Lonnie Johnson's earlier essay on Jörg Haider, Austria and the EU's over-reaction to the FPV's rise to power.

Kinoeye continues its look at the Neue deutsche Filme section of this year's Berlin International Film Festival.
B E R L I N A L E:
Growing up Late Doris Dörrie's Erleuchtung Garantiert
Elke de Wit
Usually "coming of age" stories centre around the young, but acclaimed comedy director Doris Dörrie's latest film could be classified as a coming of age story for 40-year-olds.
Central European cinema available on video and DVD
Resources on Central and East European cinema.

CER's Regular Columnists: |
President Albright?
Jan Čulík
Once again, there is Western media speculation that US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright may make a bid for the Czech presidency, and once again, we see how little the Western media understand what is going on in the post-Communist countries. |
Petre Roman in London
Catherine Lovatt
On his recent visit to London, Romanian Foreign Minister Petre Roman convincingly portrayed Romania in a positive light while accepting that improvements are still necessary. However, his 'sale of Romania' left much unexplained. |
The Expat Experts
Sam Vaknin
All foreign advisors belong to one of three categories: the hustlers, the bureaucrats or the corporates. |
Mel Huang is away this week

 A second wave of pollution has flowed into a Central European river - this time, the Vaser, a tributary of the Tisza.
E N V I R O N M E N T:
Aquatic Chernobyl
Part Four: From disaster to debate
Gusztáv Kosztolányi
The Tisza River disaster has reached the floor of the Hungarian Parliament. Rather than cataloguing the well-known effects of the cyanide pollution, the speakers concentrated on defining what remains to be done.
R O M A N I A:
Once Is Not Enough
Catherine Lovatt
Only six weeks after the ecologically destructive cyanide spill in Baia Mare, Romania is once again facing the humiliation of yet another environmental catastrophe.

Books and Literature
S U P P L E M E N T:
The CER Book Shop:
Books about Central and Eastern Europe
Have a look at CER's list of books on the region - all available from Amazon.com. The updated list is spread across several pages and contains many new offerings.
CER book offer:
After the·Rain: How the West Lost the East
By Sam Vaknin
Book Reviews published in Central Europe Review

O n D i s p l a y
Coming up in the UK
Andrew James Horton
Details of selected Central and East European cultural events in the UK over the next few weeks. |
Coming up in the USA
Karen M Laun
Central and East European events in the United States in the coming weeks. |

M u s i c
The CER Music Shop
In co-operation with Amazon.com, Central Europe Review offers you this on-line shopping supplement.

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