Kinoeye Video Store
Kinoeye is proud to be able to offer Central Europe Review readers a video store service through its association with both and
The two Amazons have independent stocking policies and therefore not everything that is available through the .com branch will be available through and vice versa. has the smaller selection of the two as it has only just recently started trading in videos and DVDs. However, it will doubtless expand and the range available through Kinoeye increased accordingly
Videos marked [NTSC] in the store are available in the NTSC format. These videos are intended only for use on American and Canadian machines (although in practice European machines designed to play PAL VHSs can often handle NTSC tapes, sometimes with loss of quality involved) and are sent from the States.
Those marked [PAL] are available in PAL format and are dispatched from the UK. Whilst European machines can often handle American tapes, the converse is not true.
At present there are few Central European DVDs available on the market. Watch this space, though.
The following countries are currently covered:
A wider range of videos and DVDs from a greater number of countries will be added to this site over the coming weeks. Also to come will be comments on each of the films on sale. Watch this space..

Compiled by Andrew James Horton