Writing under pseudonym, Gusztáv Kosztolányi has been contributing to Central Europe Review since the beginning. The articles in his Csardas column focus primarily on Hungarian politics, society and culture, and although the mystery of his true identity cannot be revealed, it is clear that Gusztáv Kosztolányi provides excellent analysis on a wide variety of Hungarian themes and shows a deep understanding of the ins and outs of all things Hungarian.
Volume 3
11 June 2001
An Ombudsman to Protect Us
An interview with Hungary's ever-popular Civil Rights Ombudsman, Katalin Gönczöl.
28 May 2001
Safe Haven, Part IV
An interview with Prof Krisztina Morvai on domestic violence in Hungary.
21 May 2001
Safe Haven, Part III
An interview with Prof Krisztina Morvai on domestic violence in Hungary.
14 May 2001
Safe Haven, Part II
An interview with Prof Krisztina Morvai on domestic violence in Hungary.
7 May 2001
Safe Haven
An interview with Prof Krisztina Morvai on domestic violence in Hungary.
2 April 2001
Committed to the Future
Actor Oszkár Nyári on the promising future of Romani theatre in Hungary.
26 March 2001
Breaking the Silence
An interview with Dr Éva Subasicz of Hungary's Women and Children's Rights Legal Protection Programme's Office.
19 March 2001
Using Drugs in Hungary
An interview with Ákos Topolánszky, Deputy Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Youth and Sport on drug use in Hungary.
12 March 2001
Interview with István Stumpf
An exclusive interview with Hungary's Head of the Prime Minister's Office, István Stumpf.
5 March 2001
Coming in to Land?
Hungary is well on its way to becoming an EU member, despite having compromised at Nice.
19 February 2001
Joint Efforts
Two experts speak to CER about the frightening trends of drug use in Hungary.
12 February 2001
Sailing Towards the Century of Hope
Hungary's Prime Minister assesses the country's progress and performance.
5 February 2001
Life after Death
One year after the Tisza disaster, CER interviews the head of the local authority charged with protecting the river—or what's left of it.
22 January 2001
Feels Like the First Time
The Swedes cut their teeth on the EU presidency.
15 January 2001
See You, Jimmy
Working-class singer Imre "Jimmy" Zámbó is silenced forever.
8 January 2001
Charity Begins at Home
CER talks to aid workers Gábor Király and Magda Szécsi about the Szomolya Relief Campaign scandal and the starving children of Szomolya.
Volume 2
11 December 2000
Identity and Integration
2000 has made Hungarians reconsider identity, vulnerability and mutual dependence on neighbours.
27 November 2000
Radio Roma
An interview with Ilona Varga, editor-in-chief of Hungarian Radio's Roma Half Hour.
20 November 2000
Trouble Down the Farm
József Torgyán, Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and President of the Party of Independent Smallholders, is fudging his declaration of assets.
13 November 2000
Hungary's Progress
A summary of the EC's 2000 Progress Report on Hungary.
6 November 2000
Second-class Citizens, Part II
CER speaks with József Krasznai, leader of the Zámoly Roma.
30 October 2000
Second-class Citizens
CER speaks with József Krasznai, leader of the Zámoly Roma, who has filed a case against Hungary at the European Court of Human Rights and sparked off a major controversy both at home and abroad.
16 October 2000
All Roads Lead to Roma
That the Roma issue is taken seriously by the EU means that Hungarians cannot afford to bury our heads in the sand any longer.
9 October 2000
Not a Shot in
the Dark
Stepping up the pace? The "union of minorities" ponders enlargement.
2 October 2000
Cornered Rat or Bleeding Lion?
If Milošević finally sees sense, the Vojvodinian
Hungarians will be breathing easier.
25 September 2000
No Slip-ups
Orbán's prudence in the fuel crisis seems to have helped Hungary weather the storm better than the rest of Europe.
11 September 2000
We Have Enough Problems
Viktor Orbán sets out to prove he has a social conscience.
18 September 2000
Ghost Train
As Verheugen speaks of a German referendum on enlargement, is the process still on the right track?
3 July 2000
More Than Salami
Introducing Szeged, a completely balanced provincial city in
26 June 2000
Sex, Lies but No Videotape
Mid-way through FIDESZ's term of office, mud-slinging in the
media has become de rigeur, as both sides of the ideological divide attempt to claim the moral high ground.
19 June 2000
Hitting Back at the Bottle
Dr Mária Holzberger of the National Alcoholism Institute is fighting substance abuse in Hungary with a steady hand.
12 June 2000
Testing Hungarian Patience
The recent joint EU-Hungary resolution was upbeat, but fine words are no longer enough as Hungary demands an accession timetable.
5 June 2000
Hard Graft to Make,
Pleasure to Intake
CER's roving Hungarian reporter interviews producers and consumers to assess the state of the drinking nation.
22 May 2000
Stop Press Continued
Part four of our examination of the Juszt affair and censorship in Hungary.
9 May 2000
Stop Press Continued
Our examination of the Juszt affair and freedom of the press in Hungary continues.
9 May 2000
Playing Hard to Get
Awaiting a specific date, Hungarian patience with the EU may be running out.
2 May 2000
Stop Press Continued
Our look at the Juszt affair and freedom of the press in Hungary continues with the Miklós Lakatos confession.
25 April 2000
Identity Crisis
Is EU membership really the magic cure-all for Central Europe's Communist hangover?
17 April 2000
Stop Press
Freedom of the press in Hungary has been cast into doubt with the ousting of the country's most popular crime reporter, László Juszt, for publishing "state secrets" in his magazine.
10 April 2000
Hungarians still need to acclimatise properly to the international tourist trade.
27 March 2000
From Beats to Bass
Bladerunner with Gusztáv Kosztolányi
A Brief History of beat and rock Music in Hungary.
20 March 2000
Setting the European House in Order
Last week, while the Euro-minded media focused on the neverending struggle to define the nature of chocolate, a far more significant debate was held in the European Parliament in Strasbourg concerning human rights both within the EU and in the candidate countries.
13 March 2000
Aquatic Chernobyl,
Part four: From disaster to debate
The Tisza River disaster has reached the floor of the Hungarian Parliament. Rather than cataloguing the well-known effects of the cyanide pollution, the speakers concentrated on defining what remains to be done.
6 March 2000
Aquatic Chernobyl
Part three: Central Europe Is Europe Too!
with Paul Nemes
In the third part of a series of articles on the Tisza River disaster and its aftermath, Hungarian protestors descend on Brussels to bring their complaints to the attention of the European Parliament. CER talked with the protestors before and after the demonstration.
28 February 2000
Aquatic Chernobyl
Part two: Anatomy of a disaster
The Tisza River disaster is not simply a Hungarian or Romanian problem; it affects all of Europe.
21 February 2000
Aquatic Chernobyl
The devastation of the Tisza River has had appalling consequences for the wildlife and ecosystems that reply upon it. But, the Tisza is much more than just a river to most Hungarians, it is a unifying thread that runs through Magyar history, literature and culture.
14 February 2000
Hungarian Identity, Globalisation and EU Accession
CER begins a new series of regular essays with this in-depth look at how Hungarians view themselves, how they view the world and how these views are changing as EU entry approaches.
7 February 2000
Jewish Life in Hungary, Part II
In contemporary Hungarian society accusations of anti-Semitism stretch all the way to the government itself and debate on the Holocaust remains emotionally and politically highly charged.
31 January 2000
Jewish Life in Hungary, Part I
In Hungary, there still exits a large gap between what the govenment says it will do to compensate Hungary's Jews, who died in the Holocaust, and what actually gets done.
17 January 2000
Rich Man, Poor Man
In Hungary, the hidden world of the less affluent is beginning to encroach on the "respectable" heart of the metropolis.
17 January 2000
Law Unto Themselves?
In the second part of our examination of white collar crime and police corruption in Hungary, we look at the dirty influence of oil and a revealing videotape on the course of Hungarian justice.
10 January 2000
Hungary, White Collar Crime, the Police and Corruption
The Hungarian government is aiming to combat organised crime.
Volume 1
13 December 1999
Hungarian Hopes
1999 in Hungary proved to be a year in which history was made as well as
commemorated and celebrated.
6 December 1999
Enlargement and Hungary
Last week's resolution in the European Parliament addresses a pragmatic
agenda, restoring a sense of proportion to the run up to Helsinki.
22 November 1999
A Green Light to Red-light Districts?
A new law sets out the parameters for the partial legalisation of
prostitution in Hungary.
15 November 1999
Budapest: A Sustainable City?
Sustainability is a fairly new concept and not just in Hungary.
1 November 1999
Safe Haven?
Asylum offered by Hungary to non-Europeans suffering persecution
doesn't guarantee a safe haven.
25 October 1999
Erosion or Survival
CER talks to Alpar Losoncz, a lecturer on Vojvodinian Hungarians.
18 October 1999
Grinning and Bearing It
For Hungary European integration continues to be seen as the sole means of guaranteeing peace and prosperity.
11 October 1999
Operation Successful, Patient Dead
Healthcare in Hungary.
27 September 1999
HUNGARY: The Invisible Majority
Contrary to the Cosmopolitan ideal marital violence and rape are still depressingly common.
20 September 1999
Oh Give Me a Home...
The number of people taking up mortgages in Hungary is increasing; however, the number of repossessions has reached epidemic proportions.
13 September 1999
HUNGARY: Where There's Muck There's Brass
Hungary's now flourishing green movement has had only a relatively small impact.
23 August 1999
Charming Rascal or Arch Villain?
Hungary's most notorious bank robber, Attila Ambrus, has fascinated the country.
16 August 1999
Hungarian Shopping Burnout.
Even in Communist times, Hungary was something of a consumer society.
9 August 1999
Hungarians: Different Yet Tolerant
Hungary is more tolerant toward minorities than most of her neighbours.
9 August 1999
Being Gay in Hungary: A few facts and figures
The bare facts about gay life in Hungary and the links to explore further.
9 August 1999
"No one's jamming their transmission..."
Second part of a series on Hungarian television.
2 August 1999
Screen Test: TV broadcasting in Hungary.
The first of a series on Hungarian TV.
26 July 1999
Blind Justice
The rule of law may very well prevail in Hungary - on paper.
19 July 1999
Hungarian IT Past and Present
IT in Hungary.
12 July 1999
Another Kind of Frontier Dispute
Hungarians and the protests of Croatian farmers.
12 July 1999
Another Kind of Frontier Dispute
The Croatian farmers' blockade and Hungary.
5 July 1999
Coda: So long and thanks for all the goulash
The immediate danger across Hungary's border is now gone.
28 June 1999
An End to Violence?
The Hungarian government counts the costs of war.
Volume 0
7 June 1999
Chronicle of a Conflict Foretold: Hungary, NATO and the Kosovo Crisis [Part VIII]
A continuing in-depth look at the Kosovo crisis from a Hungarian perspective.
24 May 1999
Wars and Rumours of Wars: Letter from Szeged
A look at the Kosovo crisis from Szeged, a Hungarian city along the Yugoslav-Hungarian border.
17 May 1999
Chronicle of a Conflict Foretold: Hungary, NATO and the Kosovo Crisis [Part VII]
A continuing in-depth look at the Kosovo crisis from a Hungarian perspective.
17 May 1999
International Controversy at the Fidesz Congress
Hungary discusses the idea of autonomy for Vojvodina and the Hungarian minority there.
10 May 1999
Chronicle of a Conflict Foretold: Hungary, NATO and the Kosovo Crisis [Part VI]
A continuing in-depth look at the Kosovo crisis from a Hungarian perspective.
3 May 1999
Chronicle of a Conflict Foretold: Hungary, NATO and the Kosovo Crisis [Part V]
A continuing in-depth look at the Kosovo crisis from a Hungarian perspective.
26 April 1999
Chronicle of a Conflict Foretold: Hungary, NATO and the Kosovo Crisis [Part IV]
A continuing in-depth look at the Kosovo crisis from a Hungarian perspective.
19 April 1999
Chronicle of a Conflict Foretold: Hungary, NATO and the Kosovo Crisis [Part III]
A continuing in-depth look at the Kosovo crisis from a Hungarian perspective.
12 April 1999
Chronicle of a Conflict Foretold: Hungary, NATO and the Kosovo Crisis [Part II]
A continuing in-depth look at the Kosovo crisis from a Hungarian perspective.
6 April 1999
Chronicle of a Conflict Foretold: Hungary, NATO and the Kosovo Crisis [Part I]
An in depth look at the Kosovo crisis, Hungary and NATO.
30 March 1999
Prevention and Cure: the Hungarian anti-Mafia Laws
Bombings, Mafia hits and Mr Orban's election manifesto.
22 March 1999
Hearth and Home
A countless number of Hungarians have been scammed out of the rooves over their heads.
22 February 1999
Public Safety and a Half Year of FIDESZ
Six months have elapsed since the FIDESZ coalition came into power, prompting the government to take stock of its achievements.
15 February 1999
The Latest Scam
Many unemployed Hungarians are falling prey to everything from get-rich-quick scams to fake job placement schemes.
26 January 1999
Overtaxing the Country's Patience?: Orban, APEH and civil rights
The duties and freedoms of the newly formed Financial Affairs Monitoring Office are raising more than a few eyebrows in Hungary.
11 January 1999
Season of Good Cheer?
A look at Hungary's increasing alcohol abuse problem.
21 December 1998
Building Sights: A Tragi-comedy
in two acts, Act II
Trying to build a national theater in Hungary, part two.
14 December 1998
Building Sights: A Tragi-comedy
in two acts, Act I
Trying to build a national theater in Hungary, part one.
23 November 1998
Happy Families?
A survey of the issue of abortion in Hungary.
16 November 1998
The Streets, the Twilight
A look at the underworld of Budapest in plain sight.
26 October 1998
Shooting Down the Dragon
Proposed legislature aiming to clamp down on drug users in
Hungary causes a stir.
19 October 1998
Florian Square
Hungary's pre-fabircated apartment blocks are in a dire state
of disrepair.
12 October 1998
Milk and Human Kindness
The Hungarian government deals with milk surplus.
5 October 1998
Another Brick in the Wall
Hungarian teacher slashes eight students with a bread knife.
28 September 1998
Crime, Unpunished
Organized crime in Hungary threatens the country's future and reputation abroad.
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