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Central Europe Review: politics, society and culture in Central and Eastern Europe
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Articles by Seán Hanley

Volume 2

22 May 2000
Interview: Václav Bělohradský
Philosopher Václav Bělohradský talks to CER about Czech political culture, capitalism, globalisation and Central Europe's place in the post-modern world.

24 January 2000
Orwell He Ain't
A review of Timothy Garton Ash's A History of the Present: Essays, Sketches and Dispatches from Europe in the 1990s.

Volume 1

13 December 1999
Intellectuals and Politics in Central Europe
This book provides uneven coverage of a variety of themes and cases, juxtaposing insightful analysis with potted history and abstruse theorising.

12 July 1999
A Touch of Class?
Notions of class in Czech society.

28 June 1999
Re-Viewing Central Europe
Caught between the post-modern West and the post-Communist East (with Kazi Stastna and Andrew Stroehlein).

Volume 0

14 June 1999
Czech Shoe on the Wrong Foot
The "national character" is a perennial topic in all forms of Czech media.

17 May 1999
When West Isn't Best
The Kosovo crisis provides some illuminating insights into the Czech Republic.

3 May 1999
Shirkers of the World Unite
Finding out whether the Czech Republic is prepared to enter the EU can be hard enough.

19 April 1999
Czechs Seek Yet Another Model
There is an enduring illusion among some Czechs that the solution to their country's political and economic problems lies in copying someone else.

6 April 1999
"Pathetic Cowards"?
Since the onset of NATO air strikes against Kosovo, the Czech Republic has been undergoing its own peculiar drole de guerre.

22 March 1999
Bureaucracy Is as Czech as Beer
If there's one thing in the Czech Republic that gets foreign residents hot under the collar, it's Czech bureaucracy.

8 March 1999
NATO-ing the Line?
The Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland join NATO—but for what?

22 February 1999
Concrete Conclusions
The panelak will endure as a lasting, quite literally towering, monument to the non-achievements of socialism.

15 February 1999
Civil Society: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone?
The development of civil society in the Czech Republic, as with all post-Communist states, has produced only meagre results.

8 February 1999
A Touch of Evil?
Is the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia "evil"?

21 December 1998
Across the Great Divide?
Most of what Western journalists, academics and politicians have said or written about Eastern Europe since 1989 is nonsense.

26 October 1998
The Revolution That Never Was?
Among Czechs, the Velvet Revolution is something that should just as soon be forgotten.


Moving on: