- Balázs, Éva H;
Hungary and the Habsburgs, 1765-1800 (1997)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)Focusing on Joseph II's rule, a book for specialists and those interested in this period of Hungarian and Habsburg history. "Balázs's work is a brilliant historical essay and represents the peak of modern scholarship on Enlightenment political and economic reforms in Central Europe… Her grasp of the issues… is second to none… A historiographical achievement of exceptional value." István Hont, Cambridge University.
- Barany, Zoltan & Braun, Aurel (eds);
Dilemmas of Transition: The Hungarian Experience (1999)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)From general issues to specific analyses on problems surrounding political and economic transition of post-Communist Hungary.
- Gerő, András;
Modern Hungarian Society in the Making:
The Unfinished Experience (1995)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)Essays by Professor Gerő on Hungary's political, social and cultural history in comparison with the development of other countries in the region.
- Gerő, András & Pető, Iván;
Unfinished Socialism: Pictures from the Kádár Era (2000)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)A visually stunning snapshot of Socialism in Hungary between 1956 and 1989, from the May Day March to pop music; with 450 photographs.
- Györkei, Jenő (ed) & Horváth, Miklós (ed);
Soviet Military Intervention in Hungary, 1956 (1999)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)Precise documentation of the Soviet forces that invaded Hungary in 1956.
- Kontler, László;
Millennium in Central Europe: A History of Hungary (1999)
(not available through Amazon, but recommended)A neatly designed book published before Hungary's millennium year, which introduces the reader to Hungary's place in Europe during the past 1000 years.
- Köpeczi, Béla (ed);
History of Transylvania (1994)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)The history of the nations of Transylvania, a region subjected to various nationalist histories, in a large, abridged version of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences' three-volume Erdély története.
- Körösényi, András;
Government and Politics in Hungary (2000)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)"Essential reading, will remain a standard reference source for any student, researcher or any teacher interested in Hungarian politics." Peter Mair, Leiden University.
- Ránki, Vera;
The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion: Jews and Nationalism
in Hungary (1999)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)In her book based on the study that won the 1997 Jean Martin Award from the Australian Sociological Assocation for the best doctoral thesis, Vera Ránki shows how state policies shift from demanding and welcoming assimilation, to institutionalised anti-Semitism.
- Romsics, Ignác;
Hungary in the Twentieth Century (1999)
(not available through Amazon, but recommended)A comprehensive work and an in-depth look at Hungary's troubled 20th century. Intended primarily as a university textbook but much more than that, the book comes with a thorough bibliography, a chronology and illustrations.
- Romsics, Ignác;
Geopolitics in the Danube Region:
Hungarian Reconciliation Efforts, 1848-1998 (1999)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)Romsics examines the reasons behind failed reconciliation initiatives in Central Europe. Appropriate reading in a time when the region is moving towards European integration.
- Schmidt, Mária & Tóth, László (ed);
Transition with Contradiction: The Case of Hungary 1990-98 (1999)
(not available through Amazon, but recommended)What happened afterwards? 16 essays by well-known Civic Democrats who approach a wide range of topics on the change of the political system in Hungary.
- Téglás, Csaba;
Budapest Exit:
A Memoir of Fascism, Communism and Freedom (1999)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)First-hand experience of a young boy of a life under the Nazis and later the Communists; a thought-provoking "amateur sociology" for all who missed or met government-sponsored brutality.
- Tőkés, Rudolf L;
Hungary's Negotiated Revolution: Economic Reform, Social Change,
and Political Succession, 1957-1990 (1996)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)This book examines Hungary's peaceful transition from Communism to democracy. Based on a great deal of source material and many interviews, Tőkés gives a detailed outline of the rise and fall of the Kádár regime.
- Marácz, László;
Hungarian Revival (1998)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)"Up to now, the West has not paid enough attention to the Hungarian predicament. Dr László Marácz writes in his book that the opinion about Hungarians is still largely based on stereotypes and prejudices." László Tőkés.
- Esterhazy, Peter;
Helping Verbs of the Heart (1996)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)World-renowned Esterhazy examines the complex feelings of sadness and confusion following the loss of a loved one.
- Esterhazy, Peter;
She Loves Me (1998)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)Hungary's most popular novelist examines love through a series of vignettes.
- Fischer, Tibor;
Under the Frog
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)Hilarious but bitter-sweet tale of the years 1945 to 1956 seen through the eyes of a young basketballer, seemingly destined to continual sexual frustration and perpetually dreaming of escaping Communist Hungary. Short-listed for the Booker Prize in 1993.
- Fallon, Steve;
Lonely Planet: Hungary (1997)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk) - Michelin Green Guides Hungary, Budapest: 2000 (2000)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk) - Penguin Books; Time Out Budapest (1999)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk) - Richardson, Dan, et al;
Hungary: the Rough Guide (1999)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk) - Richardson, Dan & Hebbert, Charles;
Budapest: Mini Rough Guide (1999)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk) - Sárközi, Mátyás & Vámos, Miklós;
The Xenophobe's Guide to the Hungarians (1999)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)
General dictionary
- Takács, Géza & Takács, Gene;
Hungarian-English / English-Hungarian Concise Dictionary
(Hippocrene Concise Dictionary) (1996)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk)
More specialist dictionaries
- Collin, Peter (ed);
Hungarian Law Dictionary (1999)
(from Amazon.com), (from Amazon.co.uk) - Fuhr, E;
Dictionary Architectural Town Planning
English/German/Hungarian/Polish/Russian/Slovak (1996)
(from Amazon.com) - Országh, László;
English to Hungarian Classical Comprehensive Dictionary (1998)
(from Amazon.com) - Országh, László;
Hungarian to English Classical Comprehensive Dictionary (1998)
(from Amazon.com) - Sandri-White, Alex;
Dictionary of Hungarian Slang (1999)
(from Amazon.com)
Selection and commentary by CER staff
Have a suggestion for our list? Contact us.
See also:
- Archived articles on Hungary
- Archived Hungarian news reviews
- Hungarian films on video for sale through CER