Vol 2, No 11, 20 March 2000
S L O V A K I A:
Tiso's Legacy
Michael J Kopanic Jr
The legacy of Josef Tiso continues to divide Slovakia 50 years after his execution. Plans to unveil a plaque in his memory in the town of Žilina have been halted after national and international protests.
C Z E C H R E P U B L I C:
The Great Gold Chase
Martin D Brown
Hitler stole them, and the Western powers held on to them for decades, but just a few years after Czechoslovakia's gold reserves were returned to their rightful owner, Prague sold them all off.
B U L G A R I A:
TV Commercials
Assia Ivantcheva
The excessive influence of politicians and bureaucrats over the media has been clearly shown in the "drama" surrounding the licensing of Bulgaria's first nationwide commercial TV operator.

Essay of the Month:
On the Inside Looking Out:
Austria's New ÖVP-FPV Government, Jörg Haider, and Europe
Lonnie Johnson
March's Essay of the Month is a revised and expanded version of Lonnie Johnson's earlier essay on Jörg Haider, Austria and the EU's over-reaction to the FPV's rise to power.

Western Aid: Blessing or burden?
W E S T E R N A I D:
From Teachers to Learners
Thomas Carothers
Western aid to Central and Eastern Europe over the past decade has changed considerably in form, role and motivation. Thomas Carothers describes how Western funders went East to teach, stayed to learn and are learning still.
P O L A N D:
Partners without Partnerships
Jacek Wojnarowski and Nev Jefferies
Early contacts between Western organizations and their counterparts in Central and Eastern Europe tended to be primarily donor-recipient in nature, with the Eastern "partner" simply implementing activities designed and funded by the Westerners.
To Give with Grace
Sam Vaknin
America may champion human rights, civil society and peace, but it gives without grace and takes without shame. No wonder it is so hated in Central and Eastern Europe. |
Western Help in Romania
Catherine Lovatt
Ten years after their revolution, Romanians find themselves largely reliant on outside assistance and pursuing a goal that would have been inconceivable a decade ago - European Union membership. |
C Z E C H R E P U B L I C:
Leaving Too Soon?
Helena Ackermann
Much has been achieved thanks to foreign aid to Czech nonprofits, but these achievements may be threatened by the overhasty departure of Western funders.
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Kinoeye continues its look at the Neue deutsche Filme section of this year's Berlin International Film Festival.
B E R L I N A L E:
Chance at the End of the Millennium Thorsten Schmidt's Schnee In Der Neujahrsnacht
Elke de Wit
Schmidt's comic debut aims to cash in on millennium fever by trying to intertwine the fates of a group of motley characters on the last night of the 20th century.
Central European cinema available on video and DVD Updated this week: Russia and Germany
Resources on Central and East European cinema.

CER's Regular Columnists: |
Who's Robbing Who?
Jan Čulík
Vladimír Železný is maintaining his attempt to control the new TV Nova in the face of a mounting counter-attack by its former American owners. |
C S A R D A S:
Setting the European House in Order: Human rights and accession
Gusztáv Kosztolányi
Last week, while the Euro-minded media focused on the neverending struggle to define the nature of chocolate, a far more significant debate was held in the European Parliament in Strasbourg concerning human rights both within the EU and in the candidate countries. |
Mel Huang is away this week

Books and Literature
R E V I E W:
Politics without a Past: The absence of history in postcommunist nationalism
Magali Perrault
In Politics without a Past, Shari J Cohen analyses the legacy of "two totalitarianisms" in post-Communist Slovakia, the Nazi Slovak puppet state of 1939 to 1945 and Communism.
S U P P L E M E N T:
The CER Book Shop:
Books about Central and Eastern Europe
Have a look at CER's list of books on the region - all available from Amazon.com. The updated list is spread across several pages and contains many new offerings.
CER book offer:
After the·Rain: How the West Lost the East
By Sam Vaknin
Book Reviews published in Central Europe Review

O n D i s p l a y
Coming up in the UK
Andrew James Horton
Details of selected Central and East European cultural events in the UK over the next few weeks. |
Coming up in the USA
Karen M Laun
Central and East European events in the United States in the coming weeks. |
Poland Cultural Review
Wojtek Kość
A look at the latest cultural events and culture news in Poland. |

M u s i c
The CER Music Shop
In co-operation with Amazon.com, Central Europe Review offers you this on-line shopping supplement.

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