More films from the Neue deutsche Filme section of this year's Berlinale reviewed:
Just Good Friends?
Elke de Wit
Anne Høegh Krohn's debut voyeuristically exploits lesbian chic but never fully comes out of the closet.
Romanticising Misogyny
Elke de Wit
Goethe's long-deserved exposure as a cold, uncaring woman-hater fails to materialise.
Getting Greedy
Wojtek Kość
On the agressive tactics of royalty agents and why Andrzej Wajda's Oscar could be bad for Polish cinema.
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After the Rain
Sam Vaknin's book on offer from CER.
Stop Press Continued
Gusztáv Kosztolányi
Our look at the Juszt affair and freedom of the press in Hungary continues with the Miklós Lakatos confession.
Something Positive?
Jan Čulík
Do the recent changes at Czech TV News mean that badly needed reforms are finally about to get underway?
Think Global, Vote Local
Catherine Lovatt
June's local elections in Romania will be a trial run for the country's general elections in November.
Of Pigs, Coal, Nerds and Utopia
Oliver Craske
Illegal immigrants, eco-friendly pig poo and the potential benefits of Hungarian nerds have been in the British media spotlight this week.
Yet More Myths of Yugoslavia
Sam Vaknin
The third and final part of this series debunking Balkan misconceptions.
Extremism and Proportional Representation
Reacting to Ian Hall and Magali Perrault's article on the new extreme right in Europe, Frank Glodek asks why PR is not considered to be a part of the problem. Perrault responds.