CER has been named a finalist for the Online Journalism Award in the category of "General Excellence in Online Journalism: Original to the Web." The awards are presented by the Online News Association and Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. Winners will be announced on 1 December. |
The Long Take That Kills
Bejamin Halligan
Why were Andrei Tarkovsky's films so agonisingly slow?
Donate your old computer to a good cause...
The outside media looking into the region:
Great Britain: A Means As Well As an End
Oliver Craske
Snagging some fellow fish into the B-stream of a two-speed Europe.
Germany: Fish and Red Tape
Andrea Mrozek
The Kursk hit a big fish and Russia is interested in guarding democracy—both equally plausible suggestions.
The Bell of Betrayal Announces Victory
Petr Zídek
Mnichovský komplex, by Historian Jan Tesař, provides an excellent analysis of the end of the First Czechoslovak Republic.
The World According to Dubya
Mel Huang
If Bush does win, we'll have "Chicken Kiev" on the menu again.
The European Bank for the Retardation of Development
Sam Vaknin
The EBRD has failed to Westernize the Easterners and has instead been Easternized by them.
Meter Maid Commandos
Jan Čulík
The municipality of Prague has created a riot squad out of common traffic wardens.
Crisis by Design
Jana Altman
Although the Czech media is constantly under threat of persecution by politicians and the public alike, it may just be its own worst enemy.
Romanian Women Don't Wear the Trousers
Delia Dumitrica
Why don't Romanian women stand up to the patriarchal stereotypes imposed on them?
Détente from Below
Patrick Burke
Taking issue with the idea of an ill-informed Western Left.
Check out our NEW printer-friendly ebooks.
Memory and Forgetting
Martin D Brown
Historical amnesia and post-Cold War attitudes in the Czech Republic. FREE ebook for CER eBookclub members.
Greasing the Wheels
Gusztáv Kosztolányi
The bribes, the theft, the orgies... Hungary's incredible oil scandal fully explained.
After the Rain
Sam Vaknin
Has "transition" all been for nought?
The Celluloid Tinderbox
Andrew James Horton (ed)
An explosive decade of Yugo film. FREE!