CER has been named a finalist for the Online Journalism Award in the category of "General Excellence in Online Journalism: Original to the Web." The awards are presented by the Online News Association and Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. Winners will be announced on 1 December. |
The Velvet Generation
Peter Hames
Is contemporary Czech cinema stronger than is commonly thought?
CER now offers electronic books on European affairs. For more information on ebooks and the CER eBookclub, click here.
Slovenia's Success
Brian J Požun
How Slovenia went from the brink of war to star student of the EU in just a few short years.
Greasing the Wheels
Gusztáv Kosztolányi
The bribes, the theft, the orgies... Hungary's incredible oil scandal fully explained.
Memory and Forgetting
Martin D Brown
Historical amnesia and post-Cold War attitudes in the Czech Republic. FREE ebook for CER eBookclub members.
The Celluloid Tinderbox
Andrew James Horton (ed)
An explosive decade of Yugo film. FREE!
After the Rain
Sam Vaknin
Has "transition" all been for nought?
The Failure of a New History
Andrew Stroehlein
Tense Czecho-German relations. FREE!
First We Take Vilnius, Then We Take Palm Beach
Terry D Clark and Nerijus Prekevičius
Lithuanian voters bucked pundits and trends alike in October's parliamentary elections, granting no party the majority for the first time in the post-Soviet era.
How to Kick the Habit—Slowly
Sam Vaknin
The black economy is a stabilising force in countries in transition; they need to be weaned off it gradually.
Fuck this Article
Bernard Nežmah
Linguists continue to marvel at the outright audacity of Yugoslav swear words.
The Charms of Madame
Antoni Libera
Reviewed by Christina Manetti
A novel about coming of age in Communist Poland.
The Vices of Integrity: E H Carr 1892-1982
Jonathan Haslam
Reviewed by Rob Stout
A look at the life and work of the enigmatic British historian.
The Body of a Woman
Catherine Lovatt
A review of Matei Visniec's play examining the role of women during the Bosnian conflict.
The outside media looking into the region:
Great Britain: You and EU's Army?
Oliver Craske
The birth of an EU army and the Balkan summit in Zagreb spawned rapid reactions and debate over the next European revolution in the UK media.
Germany: Black Hole in Bosnia
Andrea Mrozek
Five years later, a discussion of Dayton in the German press this week.
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