Vol 1, No 25, 13 December 1999
After six successful months of producing this journal, the contributors and staff of Central Europe Review are pausing for three weeks to put their shattered family and social lives in order. We will return to weekly publication, starting on 10 January 2000.
In the past half year, Central Europe Review has grown from a rough idea into the leading journal on the region. CER has always been free to readers, and we intend to keep it that way in future. To help us to do so, please consider a small donation to help us with our costs.
Enjoy this expanded issue, and we'll see you again in January.
E U R O P E:
Return to Helsinki
Martin D Brown
Last week's EU Summit in Helsinki should have been the most important international event in that city since the Cold War talks of 1975. In the end, however, it was a disappointment.
E N V I R O N M E N T:
From Puppet Master to Listless Puppet
Andreas Beckmann
Concerns over the environment played a prominent role in the unrest of
November 1989 in the Czech Republic. Today, the issue has dropped in priority, and although environmentalists are quick to pin the blame on former Premier Vaclav Klaus, they have made few efforts to come to terms with the changed
circumstances and find a language that the general Czech population can
P O L A N D:
The Pro-Government Church
Mariusz Janicki
In Poland, the Catholic Church is trying to strike a balance between its support of the government and the discontented. In the eyes of many, its recent criticism of protesters and backing of the reforms introduced by Jerzy Buzek's cabinet have tipped the scales too far in favour of government.
S L I C E O F L I F E:
Postcard from Ul'yanovsk
Derek S Hutcheson
At one point, I was accused of being a Chechen travelling on a stolen British passport, and it looked like I might be spending a night at the Ul'yanovsk town jail pending deportation. There is a phrase the Russians use to describe this sort of thing: Eto Rossiya ("It's Russia"). |

L e t t e r s to C E R
Pulp Faction
Kieran Williams
On reading Professor Keane's reply to my review of his biography of Vaclav Havel, I find nothing that would cause me to rethink or retract any of my criticisms. When we get beyond the uncivil invective, we encounter little in the way of answers to the questions I raised. |
On Cavemen and Aliens
Susan Smolens
Sam Vaknin's article last week was spot on: one can only be cynical of the West's intentions in the East. |

Theme of the week:
The Year
For the last issue of Central Europe Review this year, we present overviews of what 1999 has meant to various countries of the region.
1 9 9 9:
Hungarian Hopes
Gusztav Kosztolanyi
1999 in Hungary proved to be a year when history was made as well as commemorated and celebrated. |
1 9 9 9:
Croatia's Crossroads
Sasa Cvijetic
At the end of 1999, Croatia finds itself with neither a President nor a Parliament. |
1 9 9 9:
Baltic Rollercoaster
Mel Huang
From significant political shifts and economic collapse to EU hopes and regional pork wars, 1999 was an eventful year in the Baltics. |
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Romania's Hardships
Catherine Lovatt
Economic collapse, political instability and civil unrest appear to have been the underlying factors behind the year. However, not everything is negative. |
1 9 9 9:
Success Abroad, Questions at Home
Michael J Kopanic
In the wake of Helsinki, the Slovak government can enjoy the holiday spirit and toast the new year as it celebrates its EU triumph. But for his coalition to be strong over the next few years, Dzurinda's team will have to overcome much higher hurdles on the domestic front. |
1 9 9 9:
Czech Republic: Rising Discontent
Jan Culik
With the economy bordering on crisis and politicians incapable of fixing the country's problems, the Czech public became increasingly discontent throughout 1999. |

CER's Regular Columnists:
Schengen's Iron Curtain
Zhidas Daskalovski
The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was seen by many Eastern Europeans as the beginning of a new era in the relations between West and East. The EU's Schengen agreement, however, has created a barrier as effective as the Iron Curtain ever was.
As CER will be on holiday until 10 January, we present two articles from Sam Vaknin to keep you going through the next few weeks:
The Magla Vocables
Sam Vaknin
Whereas for most people speech is a form of communication and contact, for the residents of former Communist countries it is a method of establishing distance and fending off. This affects the behaviour of intellectuals and politicians and even the whole course of transition. |
The Elders of Zion
Sam Vaknin
Anti-Semitism is only one species in the zoo of rumours, conspiracy theories and meta histories. In Central and East Europe's void created by unreliable, politicized and corrupt media, rumour mills spring eternal. |

Kinoeye finishes 1999 with a look at "New Waves" in Hungarian cinema, with reports from the 9th Festival of Young East European Cinema, where CER caught up with director Csaba Bollok and the recent retrospective of 1990s Hungarian cinema at the ICA in London. |
Young Hungarian Cinema: "We are working on it"
Andrew J Horton
Following the mid-1990s nadir of Central European cinema, eyes have been pinned on the up-and-coming talent to see if the region can regain some of its former film glory. CER talked to the young Hungarian director Csaba Bollok to ask him about his debut, the problems of making films in the current age, the influence of Hollywood and the future of Hungarian cinema.
Hungary's New Waves
Andrew J Horton
Hungary has, perhaps, the strongest cinematic tradition of all Central European countries. Has it produced any masterpieces this decade? Does it even matter?
Resources on Central and East European cinema.

Books and Literature
B O O K R E V I E W:
Intellectuals and Politics in Central Europe
Sean Hanley
Intellectuals and Politics in Central Europe, edited by Andras Bozoki, is in many ways a typical mixed bag of academic conference papers. It provides uneven coverage of a variety of themes and cases, juxtaposing insightful analysis with potted history and abstruse theorising.
B O O K R E V I E W:
Everyday Stalinism
Joanna Rohozinska
Sheila Fitzpatrick is one of today's foremost scholars in Soviet history.
Her contribution to Soviet social history is undeniable. Her latest
offering, however, falls uncomfortably between two audiences. This is a book
neither for specialists in the field nor, despite the appealing title and
invitingly clear structure, for the popular audience.
S U P P L E M E N T:
The CER Book Shop:
Books about Central and Eastern Europe
Have a look at CER's list of books on the region - all available from Amazon.com. The list is divided into five subject headings: cinema, literature, politics, history and economics.

M u s i c
S U P P L E M E N T:
The CER Music Shop
In co-operation with Amazon.com, Central Europe Review offers you this on-line shopping supplement.

O n D i s p l a y
Coming Up in the UK
Andrew J Horton
Details of selected Central and East European cultural events in the UK over the next few weeks.

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