Kinoeye Video Store
Czech Index
The following is a list of Czech films available on VHS. Those marked [NTSC] are available in the NTSC format. These videos are intended only for use on American and Canadian machines (although in practice European machines designed to play PAL VHSs can often handle NTSC tapes, sometimes with loss of quality involved) and are sent from the States.
Those marked [PAL] are available in PAL format and are dispatched from the UK. Whilst European machines can often handle American tapes, the converse is not true.
At present there are no Czech DVDs available through Amazon. Watch this space, though.
Czech Films on VHS
- Forman, Miloš:
- Loves of a Blonde (Lásky jedné plavovlásky, 1965) [PAL]
- Forman, Miloš:
- The Firemen's Ball (Hoří, má panenko, 1967) [NTSC]
- The Firemen's Ball (Hoří, má panenko, 1967) [PAL]
- Click here for a Kinoeye review
- Grodecki, Wiktor:
- Angels but not Angels (Andělé nejsou andělé, 1994) [NTSC]
- Kadár, Ján + Klos, Elmar:
- Shop on the Main Street (Obchod na korze, 1966) [NTSC]
- Machatý, Gustav:
- Ecstasy (Extase, 1933) [NTSC]
- Menzel, Jiří:
- Closely Observed Trains
- (Ostře sledované vlaky, 1966) [NTSC]
- Menzel, Jiří:
- My Sweet Little Village
- (Vesničko má, středisková, 1986) [NTSC]
- Němec, Jan:
- Oratorio for Prague (Oratorium za Prahu, 1968) [NTSC]
- Švankmajer, Jan:
- Conspirators of Pleasure (Spiklenci slasti, 1996) [NTSC]
- Svěrák, Jan:
- Elementary School (Obecná Škola, 1991) [NTSC]
- Svěrák, Jan:
- Kolya (Kolja, 1995) [NTSC]
- Kolya (Kolja, 1995) [PAL]
Leoš Janáček Operas on Video

Compiled by Andrew James Horton