Sue Bagust, Assistant Editor for Music
A music teacher and musicologist with a special interest in the aesthetics of 20th-century music, Sue Bagust is currently doing a PhD with the Open University in the UK on 'Modern Music and the Concept of Modernism.' She has just completed a stint as Artistic Director on a production of part of the York Mystery Plays.
Zoltan D Barany, Member of the Editorial Circle
Zoltan D Barany is Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Texas, Austin, where he specializes in civil-military relations, ethnopolitics and East European and Russian politics. He is the author of Pariahs and Politics: Regime Change, Ethnopolitics, and the East European Gypsies (forthcoming), Soldiers and Politics in Eastern Europe, 1945-90 (1993), editor of Russian Politics: Challenges of Democratization (forthcoming), and co-editor of Dilemmas of Transition (1999) and The Legacies of Communism in Eastern Europe (1995).
Andreas Beckmann, Environment Editor
Andreas Beckmann is Development Coordinator for the Environmental Partnership for Central Europe, a consortium of indigenous foundations in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary dedicated to working for environmental sustainability from the grassroots. He is also working on his PhD in modern Central and East European history at Stanford University and has been living in Prague, off and on, since 1991.
Andreas Beckmann's Archive of CER Articles
Michael H Bernhard, Member of the Editorial Circle
Michael H Bernhard is Associate Professor of Political Science at Pennsylvania State University where he lectures on Central and East European politics and government. He is the author of dozens of publications, including The Origins of Democratization in Poland: Workers, Intellectuals, and Oppositional Politics, 1976-1980 (Columbia University Press, 1993) and From the Polish Underground: Selections from Krytyka, 1978-1993 (Penn State Press, 1995).
Jens Boysen, Regular Contributor
Jens Boysen was born in Offenbach am Main, Germany, in 1968. He studied geology and paleontology, then history, politics and Slavic languages (MA from Goethe University, Frankfurt in 1997; ERASMUS studies (1993-94) at Trinity College, Dublin; post-graduate studies (1997-98) at College of Europe Natolin, Warsaw). For the past two years, he has been a research assistant at the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium, focussing on the EU's eastward enlargement, security and foreign policy issues and relations with Russia. He is a PhD student in history at universities of Tübingen (Germany) and Glasgow, examining Poles in the Prussian Army. He has a special interest in regional integration issues.
Martin D Brown, Regular Contributor
Martin D Brown holds an MA in Central and Eastern European studies from the School Of Slavonic and East European Studies at the University of London. He is presently studying for a PhD in International History at St Mary's, Strawberry Hill, part of the University of Surrey. He is researching policy formation and decision making within the Central Department of the British Foreign Office during the last war. He is also a visiting lecturer in History and International Relations at Richmond, the American International University in London. He is a frequent contributor to the BCSA Review and the Masaryk Journal. Currently he is a Contributing Editor with Blue
Martin Brown's Archive of CER Articles
R J Crampton, Member of the Editorial Circle
Richard Crampton is a professor at St Edmund Hall, Oxford, where he specialises in East European history in the twentieth century, particularly the Balkans and more specifically Bulgaria. He is the author of many books, including:
- Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century and After
- Bulgaria 1878-1918: A History
- Atlas of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century
- A Concise History of Bulgaria.
Oliver Craske, Regular Contributor
Oliver Craske holds a BA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Hertford College, Oxford, and an MA in Modern International Studies from the University of Leeds. He is Senior Editor at Genesis Publications and was the co-writer of Raga Mala, the autobiography of Indian sitar maestro Ravi Shankar. He lives in London and writes a weekly review for CER of Central and East European issues in the UK press.
Oliver Craske's Archive of CER Articles

Jan Čulík, Member of the Editorial Circle
Jan Čulík is a lecturer in Czech studies at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. He is also the publisher of the Czech Internet daily Britské listy.
Jan Čulík's Archive of CER Articles
Dan Damon, Adriatic Editor
Dan Damon is the former Sky News correspondent in Eastern Europe (1989-1995) and is now working freelance as a presenter and reporter for BBC Radio—World Service and Radio Four, where you can hear him on the PM programme on Saturdays. Since returning to the UK, he has kept in close touch with the South East European region and has made many programmes and reports from there. He has, for example, just returned from Bosnia where he was recording a half-hour programme for BBC World Service on "Five Years of Dayton." Dan has also just completed an MA in Nationalism and the Politics of Identity at SSEES in London and an LLM in International Law at University of East London.
Židas Daskalovski, Regular Commentator
Židas Daskalovski is a PhD candidate at the Political Science Department of Central European University. His web site is HERE.
Židas Daskalovski's Archive of CER Articles
Alina Ghimpu-Hague, Development Co-ordinator
Born in 1972 in Timisoara, Romania, Alina Ghimpu-Hague is a writer, translator and former academic who used to teach Victorian literature and study skills. She holds a double BA degree in English Language and Literature (major) and Romanian Language and Literature (minor) from the Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara, as well as a MA in British and American Studies from the same university. Her interest in Central Europe was initially sparked by having grown up in a multi-cultural, tri-lingual Central European border town, and was later reinforced by having translated theoretical and literary texts about the region by Timothy Garton Ash, Slavenka Drakulić, Milan Kundera, Gyorgy Konrad, Czesław Milosz, Vladimir Tismananeanu, etc—some of them for Orizont, one of Romania's main literary journals, some for volumes edited by a Timisoara-based Central-European Studies research group called "A Treia Europa." Since moving to Britain in 1998, she has worked mainly as a translator, writer and media researcher and has recently been accepted as a research student at the Royal Holloway University of London, where she will pursue a PhD in Victorian Studies with an emphasis on Nonsense Literature and the Victorian quest for identity.
Ivana Gogova, Regular Contributor
Ivana G Gogova is in the final year of her studies at Richmond - the American International University in London. She is pursuing a BA (Hons) degree in Sociology. Her other areas of study are international relations and social anthropology. She is currently interested in transition, identity politics and interethnic relations in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans in particular.
James B Gulka, Editorial Assistant
Jim is a Senior Credit Analyst at Leasetec Corporation, an equipment finance and leasing company based near Boulder, Colorado. He spent two years in Prague during 1997-1999 working in finance and leasing for a Czech leasing company, and later for the leasing subsidiary of Citibank a.s. He holds a BS in Finance from the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Eva Hahn, Member of the Editorial Circle
Eva Hahn (formerly Eva Schmidt-Hartmann) is a historian of Czech origin living in Germany. She specializes in the intellectual history of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th century, and she has published widely in Germany and in the Czech Republic. Her most recent work is Sudetoněmecký problém: Obtížné loučení s minulostí (1999). See the "Support academic freedom" Website at
Seán Hanley, Contributor
A graduate of Leeds University and the Centre for Russia and East European Studies at the University of Birmingham, where he recently completed a PhD on changing understandings of party politics in the Czech Republic, Seán Hanley is Lecturer in Politics at Brunel University, West London.
Seán Hanley's Archive of CER Articles
Julie Hansen, Books Editor
Julie Hansen holds a BA in Russian from the University of Washington in Seattle and recently completed a PhD in Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. She has lived and studied in both Russia and the Czech Republic and currently resides in Sweden.
Kathleen Hayes completed a PhD in Czech literature at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, in 1997. She teaches various literature and cultural studies courses at Charles University and at the New York University Center in Prague. She is currently translating a collection of short stories by Czech woman writers from the turn of the century.
Andrew James Horton, Culture Editor
Andrew James Horton is Culture Editor of Central Europe Review and Editor-in-Chief of Kinoeye, CER's film affiliate. He also writes on central European culture for other journals, has edited the e-book The Celluloid Tinderbox and is being funded by the Leverhulme Trust to research the restructuring of central and southeast European image markets.
Andrew James Horton's Kinoeye Archive of articles on film in Central and Eastern Europe
Madelaine Hron, Regular Contributor
Madelaine Hron (BA, University of Alberta; MA University of Michigan) is a PhD student in Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan, doing her thesis on The Translation of Pain in Immigrant Texts. Thus, she is captivated by suffering of all sorts—from genocide and torture to nightmares and nausea—and is fascinated by exile experiences from all over (though her specialties include Czech emigres, and Haitian and Algerian refugees). Currently, she doing research and translation in the Czech Republic, and is avidly taking advantage of every opportunity to travel and discover more of this intricate world.
Charles Ingrao, Member of the Editorial Circle
Charles Ingrao is Professor of History at Purdue University and editor of The Austrian History Yearbook. He received his BA at Wesleyan in 1969 and PhD at Brown in 1974. He has authored three books, In Quest and Crisis: Emperor Joseph I and the Habsburg Monarchy (1979), The Hessian Mercenary State: Ideas, Institutions, and Reform under Frederick II, 1760-1785 (1987), and The Habsburg Monarchy 1618-1815 (1994); contributed articles to over twenty journals, including The American Historical Review, The Journal of Modern History, The Austrian History Yearbook, German History, the Mitteilungen des Oesterreichischen Staatsarchivs, The International History Review, and Etudes Danubiennes; and edited a collection of essays, entitled State and Society in Early Modern Austria (1994). He has held visiting university appointments at Brown (1974-76), Cambridge (1989), Indiana (1993) and Washington (1996). He is also founding editor of the HABSBURG Discussion Network.
Ojārs Kalniņš, Member of the Editorial Circle
Ojārs Kalniņš is the director of the Latvian Institute, a government-funded, non-profit agency promoting Latvia's image within Latvia and abroad through education. From 1993-1999, Kalniņš served as Latvia's ambassador to the United States and Mexico. During his tenure, Ambassador Kalniņš played a vital role in the strengthening of bilateral ties, including US support for Russian troop withdrawal in 1994, the destruction of the Soviet military radar post in Skrunda and President Bill Clinton's Riga visit. Kalnins also served as minister counselor and DCM in the Latvian Embassy in 1991-1992. From 1985-1990, he handled press and public affairs for the American Latvian Association in Rockville, Maryland. Kalniņš also served as advisor to the Latvian National Front (1988-91), the Latvian National Independence Movement (1988-1991), and many others.
Beth Kampschror, Regular Contributor
Beth Kampschror set out to tour ex-Yugoslavia in mid-1999 and ended up in Sarajevo putting her journalism skills and love of gab to work as a translation editor at BH Press. She does freelance editing around town and published a travel story about Dubrovnik in Central Europe Online before they yanked their travel section. She's on her 18th apartment in eight years. Beth also recently crossed off an item on her "to do before I die" list by snorkeling in the Red Sea. She's worked at a landfill in the wilds of Montana, can play "Back in Black" on drums and is afraid of ladders.
Anna Keshelashvili, Editorial Assistant
Anna Keshelashvili was already working as a reporter with one of the leading weekly newspapers in Georgia, when she completed her university degree in journalism. In 1994, she trained in the US and later, had her first serious experience in Web-design working on educational TV-films about Internet and Website development. After, she worked with the International Telecommunications and Information Center as a Web-designer and Internet and Web-design trainer, assisting Georgian NGOs with development of their Websites. She continues to balance her journalistic and Web-design interests in a variety of ways for CER.

Michael J Kopanic, Jr, PhD, Slovakia Commentator
Born in Youngstown, Ohio of Slovak-American parents (his mother emigrated as a young girl), Michael Kopanic has a bachelor's degree in history from Youngstown State University, an MA in European History from the University of Notre Dame and a PhD from the University of Pittsburgh. His previous academic appointment was at Pennsylvania State University. His studies focus on Slovak history, Slovak labor movements, contemporary Slovak society and Slovak immigration history. His articles have appeared in Jednota, Kosmas, Ethnic Forum, East Central Europe and Narodny Kalendar. He wrote the chapter on the history of trade unionism in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic in the book European Labor Unions (Greenwood, 1992) and translated and notated Anton Spiesz's History of Slovakia. He currently teaches history at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and is a speaker for the Pennsylvania Humanities Council. During the summers, he works as an Faculty Consultant for Educational Testing Service on Princeton.
Michael Kopanic's Archive of CER Articles
Wojtek Kość, Regular Contributor
Though a graduate of an English Teachers' Training College, Wojtek Kosc has never had the courage to face kids in the classroom, so he started studying political science at the University of Silesia in Poland and has just finished his second year there. He's 24 and lives in a rented flat in the very center of Katowice, paying suspiciously low rent.
Gusztáv Kosztolányi, Hungary Editor
Gusztáv Kosztolányi contributes to Central Europe Review under a pseudonym.
Gusztáv Kosztolányi's Archive of CER Articles
Caroline Kovtun, Regular Contributor
Caroline Kovtun received her BA in Russian from the University of Maryland. She is currently working on her PhD in Czech literature at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. She dabbles in translation and hosts a radio program in Czech music at University of Michigan's radio station, WCBN.
Karen M Laun, Sub-editor
Karen Laun received a BA in International Relations from American University in Washington, DC and recently completed an MA in Nations, Nationalism, Identity at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies in London. In between, she lived and worked in Poland for two years and travelled extensively throughout Eastern Europe.
Paul G Lewis, Member of the Editorial Circle
Dr Paul G Lewis is Reader in Central and East European Politics at the Open University in the UK. He has broad research interests in Eastern Europe as a whole and is particularly involved with the examination of political party development in the post-Communist countries. He is the author and editor of many books, including: Developments in Central and East European Politics 2 (with Stephen White and Judy Batt), Democratization (Democracy--From Classical Times to the Present, 2) (with David Potter, David Goldblatt and Margaret Kiloh) and Central Europe Since 1945 (The Postwar World).

Catherine Lovatt, Acting Editor-in-Chief
Catherine Lovatt is a freelance journalist with a BA (Hons) and a Masters Degree in Contemporary East European Studies from the School of Slavonic and East European Studies at the University of London. Interested in Balkan politics and history, she has travelled extensively in Central and Eastern Europe, particularly in Romania, where she has lived and studied.
Catherine Lovatt's Archive of CER Articles
Sandra Medearis, Baltic Editor
Alongside her CER duties, freelance writer Sandra Medearis is a journalism teacher and former editor in chief of The Baltic Times where she ran a newspaper lab for emerging journalists. Having served in the United States on the Soviet and city desks as well as Web editor at The Nome (Alaska) Nugget, investigative reporter and managing editor at The Frontiersman (Alaska), and managing editor of the Cordova (Alaska) Times, Medearis has earned 27 journalism awards in newspaper reporting and photography. She participated in a University of Alaska program to train young editors from the Russian Far East. In Riga, she freelances for public radio organizations including Deutsche Welle. Outside the newsroom, Medearis listens to jazz, surfs the Internet, and reads books on CEE. She holds an MS from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism (1997) with concentrations in international reporting, computer-assisted reporting and radio broadcast. She earned a BA in Latin.
Catherine Miller, Regular Contributor
Catherine Miller has a BA in Czech and French language and literature from the University of Oxford. She has lived and worked in the Czech Republic on and off over the past five years and has spent a year studying at Masaryk University, Brno. She currently lives in Prague, and, as well as writing for CER, she is a journalist at Radio Prague.
Matilda Nahabedian, Regular Contributor
Matilda Nahabedian recently graduated with an MA in European Public Affairs from the University of Maastricht. Her first degree was in Political Science, from the University of Sofia. For two years, she has worked as a journalist at the Balkan desk of the Bulgarian New Agency, and afterwards at the daily Dnevnik. Currently settled in the Netherlands, she keeps on contributing for various media, with her main interest being the political aspects of European integration.
Paul Nemes, Senior Editor
Paul Nemes is just completing the MA degree in Nationalism and Identity at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies in London. Hungarian minorities in Central Europe are his particular area of interest.
Artur Nura, Regular Contributor
Artur Nura is a Tirana-based journalist and has been engaged in writing since he was young. After graduating in Albanian literature, he worked at the library of the Albanian Health and Hygiene Institute and became a professional journalist following the fall of Communism. In 1992, he became the Tirana correspondent for the Italian radio station Radical Radio. Since 1998, he has been working freelance.
Inga Pavlovaitė, Regular Contributor
Born in Lithuania, Inga Pavlovaitė received her BA in English and politics there but moved to Britain to do her MA in European studies at the University of Birmingham, School of Social Sciences. Before that she has studied at University of Copenhagen and been an intern at Copenhagen Peace Research Institute, where she contributed a working paper on Lithuanian integration into the EU. Outside library and lecture room, Inga is a keen debater, having actively participated in the student debate society of Lithuania.
Magali Perrault, Austria Editor
Magali Perrault is a research student at the University of St Andrews in Scotland (Department of International Relations). She is currently completing a doctoral dissertation about the Czech-Slovak Velvet Divorce. Her other areas of interest include Austria (and especially its relations with its Central European neighbours) as well as the study of nationalism and nationalist movements in post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe.
Magali Perrault's Archive of CER Articles
Tiffany G Petros, Regular Contributor
Tiffany G Petros has a PhD from Miami University in International Relations with a concentration in Central and Eastern Europe. She has conducted research on political, social, and economic aspects of security in Europe and Eurasia. Tiffany has taught politics courses in the Czech Republic at both Palacký University and the Anglo-American College in Prague. She has also served as a Visiting Assistant Professor at the American University of Armenia in Yerevan. Tiffany is currently in Washington, DC where she has conducted research on Europe and post-Soviet states for the Library of Congress Congressional Research Service and the World Bank. She is the Principle Editor of the Daily Report on Russia and the Former Soviet Republics and contributes to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's Business Watch.
Brian J Požun, Regular Contributor
Brian J Požun writes for Central Europe Review on Slovenia and Balkan affairs. He is the author of "Slovenia" in the forthcoming 2001 edition of Freedom House's Nations in Transit annual report. He has also published numerous translations from Slovene, Serbian and Carpatho-Rusyn. Of ethnic Slovene and Carpatho-Rusyn descent, he has studied Central and Eastern Europe in New York, Pittsburgh and Moscow. He is the author of Shedding the Balkan Skin: Slovenia's quiet emergence in the new Europe.

Andrew Princz, Occasional Contributor
Andrew Princz is a freelance journalist and project manager working from Budapest, Hungary. He has recently launched (, a web site which will initially feature content from Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. Princz publishes in numerous local and international publications on a variety of and themes.
Joanna Rohozińska, Poland Editor
Joanna Rohozińska graduated with an MA in History from the University of Toronto specialising in East Central Europe and Russia. Her particular areas of interest include regional ethnic relations, problems of nationalism in the modern era and Polish-Jewish relations.
Nadia Rozeva, Regular Contributor
Nadia Rozeva holds a BS degree from Rutgers University in Marketing and Latin. Her background is in classical languages (Latin, Greek and Church Slavonic) from the National Classical Lyceum in Sofia, Bulgaria. Nadia is presently International Rights Manager for Pearson Education USA and is responsible for book licensing in Germany and Central and Eastern Europe. Based in New York, she is also a freelance graphic designer.
George Schöpflin, Member of the Editorial Circle
George Schöpflin is the Jean Monnet Professor of Politics at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London and the Director of the Centre for the Study of Nationalism.
Llazar Semini, Regular Contributor
Llazar Semini is Project Manager for the Institute for War & Peace Reporting (IWPR) in Kosovo. IWPR assists the local media in their efforts to reach the level of Western professional journalism. The Pristina office has organised many roundtables on various topics as well as training courses for young journalists. It also serves as an important resource centre for the local and international print and electronic media. Llazar also worked for Reuters from 1992 to 1999, and from 1987 to 1992, he was Bureau Chief at the Albanian News Agency.
Robin Sheeran, Regular Contributor
Robin Sheeran is a broadcast journalist with the BBC in Belfast, Northern Ireland. His previous jobs include producer/presenter with Slovak Radio in Bratislava and working for an Arabic cable TV station in London. He writes on Irish affairs for the leading Slovak liberal newspaper, Sme, and is engaged in a long-term research project into the comparative potability of beers from the Slovak and Czech Republics. Robin Sheeran took a BA degree in Film and Literature at the University of Warwick sometime in the 1980s, but has since made a full recovery.
Kristin Smith, Regular Contributor
After spending a short time studying in Prague, Kristin Smith decided she wanted to pursue East European studies. She is currently studying history and philosophy at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Upon graduating with her BA in May, she plans to return to the region to work before pursuing graduate school.

Kazi Stastna, Founding Editor
As one of the founding members of CER, Kazi Stastna served as the magazine's managing editor and then deputy editor-in-chief until February 2001. Outside of her CER activities, she has worked as an editor and journalist for various media, including The New Presence, Foreign Policy, Das Blättchen, the Czech news agency ČTK, Keston News Service, Radio Prague and two independent radio stations in Vancouver, Canada and Hamburg, Germany. She is currently working as a freelance journalist in Canada.
Kazi Stastna's Archive of CER Articles

Andrew Stroehlein, Founder
Andrew Stroehlein holds a BS from Cornell University in New York and an MPhil from the University of Glasgow in Scotland, where he wrote The Failure of a New Approach to History: Czechs and the Czech-German Declaration. He lived in various locations in the Czech and Slovak republics in the early to mid-1990s and wrote and edited for the Czech media in the mid- to late 1990s in outlets as diverse as Britské listy, Czech Television, Slovo, Lidové noviny, TAMTO, The Prague Post and The New Presence. With the support of a fantastic team of professional colleagues, he founded Central Europe Review in June 1999. He also worked as Editor-in-Chief at and contributes to Online Journalism Review and E-Media Tidbits, the premier Weblog for online journalism, media and publishing. He writes for Time magazine and is the moderator of the Poynter Institute's discussion list, WAR-COVERAGE, an ongoing discussion and sharing of ideas about media covering of the current world crisis. He heads the training department at the Institute for War and Peace Reporting.
Andrew Stroehlein's Archive of CER Articles
Yuri Svirko, Regular Contributor
Yuri Svirko was born in 1974 in Mahiliow, Belarus. He studied at English schools in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and Odesa, Ukraine. In 1991, he entered Belarus's State University (Department of Journalism) and received an Excellent Degree diploma in 1996. He began his career in late 1991 as Miensk correspondent for Latvia's main daily Diena. He was also the Parliamentary Correspondent for Belarus's BelaPAN news agency in 1992 and Znamya Yunosti daily in 1993. Then, he served with RTR, Russia's state-run TV and radio, and worked for them in Miensk until late 1997. In 1992-1997, Yuri contributed to Reuters. He also worked for the BBC World Service, filing reports and analysis in Russian, Ukrainian and English. Now, he contributes to Radio Liberty (Belarusian and Ukrainian Services), writes for Diena and runs the Yu S News Agency.
Josef Škvorecký, Member of the Editorial Circle
The Czech writer Josef Škvorecký has long been a central figure on the literary scene, both in his native country and abroad. After leaving Czechoslovakia in 1969, he settled in Toronto, where he founded the exile publishing house Sixty-Eight Publishers together with his wife, the author Zdena Salivarová-Škvorecká. Škvorecký was also Professor of English Literature at the University of Toronto. Over 30 of his novels and story collections have been published to date, and he has also translated numerous works of American and English literature into Czech. Škvorecký received the Neustadt Prize in 1980, the Governor General's Award in 1984, a Nobel Prize nomination in 1982 and both the Toronto Arts Award for Literature and the Czech Republic's State Prize for Literature in 1999."
Rudolf L Tőkés, Member of the Editorial Circle
Rudolf L Tőkés is Professor of Political Science at the University of Connecticut. He served as Senior Advisor to the Hungarian Foreign Minister in 1991 and is the author of many books on the region, including the authoritative Hungary's Negotiated Revolution: Economic Reforms, Social Change, and Political Succession, 1957-1990 (Cambridge University Press, 1996). His current research concerns domestic and international security policy issues of post-Communist East Central Europe.
Pavel Tychtl, Member of the Editorial Circle
Pavel Tychtl is Director of the Organisation for the Aid of Refugees, Prague, Czech Republic. He has a degree in Sociology from Charles University, Prague, where he wrote his thesis on the birth of nationalism in 19th-century Europe. He has also studied at the New School for Social Research in New York under Eric Hobsbawm, Charles Tilly and Claus Offe.
Aleksi Vakkuri, Regular Contributor
Aleksi Vakkuri (born 1970) graduated from the University of Helsinki in May 2000. His major was history, but he has also studied politics and pursued Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Lund in Sweden and Economics at the Helsinki School of Econommics. In his studies Aleksi concentrated on Central and Eastern Europe. He is especially interested in issues concerning the region's and the countries' images, nationalism, ethnic questions and the relationship between the EU and candidate members. Currently he is working as a media content researcher and analyst. While having some time off, Aleksi gets his kicks from martial arts.

Sam Vaknin, Political and Economic Commentator
Sam Vaknin has a combined doctorate in Physics and Philosophy. He is an economic and political columnist in many periodicals in a few countries and a published and awarded author of short fiction and reference books in Hebrew, English and Macedonian in Israel, Macedonia and the Czech Republic. He has collaborated with Israeli psychologists and criminologists in the study of personality disorders and is the author of Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited. He is the editor of the Mental Health Disorders category in the Open Directory Project and the editor of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder topic in Suite101. He is serving currently as the Economic Advisor to the Government of Macedonia. His new book is After the Rain: How the West Lost the East. Full CV at:
Sam Vaknin's Archive of CER Articles
Ildikó Vámos-Wentworth, Managing Editor
Born and raised in Budapest, former cartoonist Ildikó Vámos-Wentworth is a freelance English-Hungarian translator and amateur photographer. She joined CER just a few months after she and her family moved to the San Francisco Bay area, in 1999.
Tom Vild, Technical Support
Working for Internet Servis a.s., Tom Vild is responsible for CER's weekly uploading.
Robert Young, Senior Editor
Robert Young is a freelance writer based in Los Angeles, California. He publishes the weekly Internet music magazine Junkmedia.