Vol 2, No 13, 3 April 2000
E N V I R O N M E N T:
Fish First, EU Entry Later
Paul Nemes
Green Hungarians demonstrating at the Romanian Embassy in Washington this weekend were clear about what Romania's priorities should be: environmental concerns must be dealt with before Romania can even begin to discuss EU accession.
NATO's damage last time... |
M O N T E N E G R O:
Throwing Down the Gauntlet
Artur Nura
Montenegro has always struck a firmly independent course. Now, as liberal politicians in Podgorica call for a reassessment of the country's position within Yugoslavia, Serbia might well be close to using military intervention to retain its only access to the Adriatic.
B E L A R U S:
The Black Hole of Europe
Peter Szyszlo
Modern Belarus is a hermetically sealed country. What little information seeps out is largely negative and, unfortunately, usually true.
C Z E C H R E P U B L I C:
Czech Tech:
Technical education and industrial development
Robin Healey
The Czech engineering industry is at a low point, but a reform of technical education could offer a way forward.
C R O S S - C U L T U R A L V I E W:
"What If" Questions and China's 1989
Jeffrey N Wasserstrom
In 1989, the Chinese regime took the threat of potential Solidarity-style developments much more seriously than the reformers. Things could have been different, but it all comes down to timing.
A U S T R I A:
The EU’s Real Haider Problem
Andrew Roberts
Haider-bashing is good politics for established European political parties, both right and left.
Come fly with me... |
A Macedonian Soap Opera
Goran Janev
Macedonia: At the heart of the bloody Balkan mountains is now one of the longest-lasting soaps in the history of home entertainment.

A P R I L E S S A Y:
The Re-Austrianisation of Central Europe?
Assessing the potential of the "New" far right after Haider
Ian Hall and Magali Perrault
The Haider case has been interpreted by far-right leaders in Central Europe as evidence that EU membership might be somewhat akin to membership in the former Soviet bloc. Furthermore, to attempt, as the EU has done with Austria, to prevent the rise of the far right through the use of European institutions might well provoke a nationalist backlash in newly accepted EU states.

K I N O E Y E:
Kinoeye continues its look at the Neue deutsche Filme section of this year's Berlin International Film Festival.
B E R L I N A L E:
Pricking Germany's Racist Conscience
Frieder Schlaich's Otomo
Elke de Wit
Schlaich explores the well known case of cop killer Frederic Otomo, who was shot dead in Stuttgart in 1989, to offer an antidote to police complacency, press hysteria and the racism inherent in German - and indeed all European - society.

CER's Regular Columnists: |
The Red Line
Catherine Lovatt
Issues of espionage have been resurrected, and two front-runners in the presidential election race could see their credibility diminish dramatically. |
Does Estonia Have a Left?
Mel Huang
Estonia's political map is a strange creature. It seems no one wants to be firmly on the left wing. Established left-wing parties move further and further to the centre, while those on the left shudder at being labelled so. |
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The Titanic Waltz
Sam Vaknin
Balkan élites dance the night away as the ship slowly sinks into a murky sea of social decay. |
The Final Assault
Jan Čulík
In the continuing saga over Czech public service broadcasting, it now looks likely that Czech politicians will pack any future regulatory body with their own political appointees. |

UK Press Review
Pawns on a Chessboard?
Oliver Craske
Britain has long tended to view Central Europe as a zone of competing influences, and this attitude is reflected in press coverage of the area, which tends to focus mostly on the internal affairs of Russia and Germany and the troubled zones of the Caucasus and former Yugoslavia, while ignoring the states wedged in between.

Books and Literature
S U P P L E M E N T:
The CER Book Shop:
Books about Central and Eastern Europe
Have a look at CER's list of books on the region - all available from Amazon.com. The updated list is spread across several pages and contains many new offerings.
CER book offer:
After the Rain: How the West Lost the East
By Sam Vaknin
Book Reviews published in Central Europe Review

O n D i s p l a y
Coming up in the UK
Andrew James Horton
Details of selected Central and East European cultural events in the UK over the next few weeks. |
Coming up in the USA
Karen M Laun
Central and East European events in the United States in the coming weeks. |
Poland Cultural Review
Wojtek Kość
A look at the latest cultural events and culture news in Poland. |

M u s i c
The CER Music Shop
In co-operation with Amazon.com, Central Europe Review offers you this online shopping supplement.

CER News
We are happy to announce that Professor R J Crampton has joined the CER Editorial Circle. |
* * * |
On 26 March, Hungarian President Árpád Göncz conferred the Presidential Gold Medal of Merit on Professor Rudolf L Tőkés, a member of the CER Editorial Circle, for "assistance rendered to facilitate the democratic transformation of Hungary." |

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