Dear Reader, |
As 2000 draws to a close, we'd like to thank all our readers for making this year an incredibly successful one for CER. |
2000 has been a year of enormous changes for CER: we adopted a new graphic look, expanded our news coverage from 10 to 20 countries, re-energised our books section and started publishing ebooks. |
The hard work has been worth it. Our readership has grown to 15,000 regular readers weekly, and we've gained international recognition through our winning the NetMedia Award and being a finalist for the Online Journalism Awards. |
Now, in our strongest position yet, we move on to 2001, which promises to be an even greater year for CER, especially if we can draw some investment to this publication. |
From time to time, readers write in and ask, "Who funds CER?" The actual answer might surprise you. |
Happy New Year, everyone! Enjoy this "best of" issue, and we'll be back on 8 January 2001. |
Andrew Stroehlein, Editor-in-Chief |
EU Issues:
Nice for CEE
Mel Huang
It may well have been a quagmire of compromise, but the Nice Summit is still a major step toward the enlargement of the EU. NEW!
Ghost Train
Gusztáv Kosztolányi
Is the enlargement process still on the right track?
The Danish Lesson
Andrew Stroehlein
If the "big idea" of the euro is suffering, is there hope for Eastward enlargement?
D D Dumitrica
The "East" and "West" of EU thinking in Romania.
Multi-Ethnic Outpost
Brian J Požun
Rusyns of the Trans-Carpathian Euroregion and EU expansion.
All Ethnic Problems Solved?
Matilda Nahabedian
Is it a paradox that Bulgaria has
been described as a model of ethnic tolerance?
Gotov Je!
Have we seen the last of Milošević?
Election Earthquake
Slavko Živanov
Surprise: Slobodan Milošević concedes victory to Vojislav Koštunica.
An Empire Implodes
Sam Vaknin
Koštunica is unlikely to bring any new direction to Yugoslavia, and Albanian Kosovars have lost their truest ally in Milošević.
Delusions of Dominoes
Patrick FitzPatrick
Serbia is not the final East European domino to fall.
The Spirit of Milošević Remains
Just how much of a revolution have we witnessed? Sam Vaknin and Dušan Djordjevich, debate the future of Yugoslavia.
Duplicity Revisited
Martin D Brown
The international response to the developments in Yugoslavia and Israel reveals a duplicity in foreign affairs.
Memory and Forgetting
Martin D Brown
Historical amnesia and post-Cold War attitudes in the Czech Republic. FREE for eBookclub members. |
After the Rain
Sam Vaknin
Has "transition" all been for nought?

Media Bytes:
Wired Service
Andrew Stroehlein
Online journalism faces the same challenges as traditional journalism in the new Europe.
The Christiane Way
Sam Vaknin
Why Christiane Amanpour of CNN represents a new low in reporting standards.
Crisis by Design
Jana Altman
Although the Czech media is constantly under threat of persecution, it may just be its own worst enemy.
The Roma:
All Roads Lead to Roma
Gusztáv Kosztolányi
Hungarians can't afford to bury their heads in the sand any longer over the Roma issue.
The EU's Red Card
Alexandra Wootliff-Bitušíková
Anti-Roma sentiment in Slovakia is also the result of "Western" policies against asylum-seekers.
Christina Manetti
Libera's novel about coming of age in Communist Poland.
Sex and the City
Dušan Djordjevich
A recent collection looks at daily life in Serbia.
Fingers Pointing Somewhere Else
Madelaine Hron
Daniela Fischerová's collection of stories recreates reality in a magical yet palpable way.
Reviewing the Region:
The World According to Dubya
Mel Huang
With George W Bush as US president, we'll have "Chicken Kiev" on the menu again.
Falling Down
Kai-Olaf Lang
Why did most liberal parties in CEE disappear from the political scene after a promising beginning in the early 1990s?
Travels without My Herodotus
Martin D Brown
Greece's historical connections with Central Europe are far closer than might be presumed.
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